After a ridiculously long liturgical nap, I got myself outside for some yard work. One of the goals was getting some of my seed-grown tomato plants in pots. This was managed with a 1/5 of gin bug spray, and even then the mosquitoes were vicious.
And while in theory, the plants and bushes in my yard are really under the care of the church, they've been benignly neglected. Plus I kinda enjoy messing around in a yard, so I spent some time clipping off the dead/old parts of some bushes. There is a bit more I should do tomorrow, as I did run out of time prior to running out of shrubs in need of TLC.
There's one bush that has these neat read flowers that are working toward blooming as well as an interesting shape. However, an evergreen bush has been overgrowning into it for who knows how long and the one side of the bush is deadish. The evergreen bush thing is rather ugly, old, and overgrown. It needed to be trimmed over the years and now is beyond being trimable, as the inside is dead, not to mention this winter was hard on evergreens in general.
So I just started whacking away at it to free up space for the preferred bush. While doing so I came across an old bird's nest. Which caused me to stop and think, perhaps there was a current next somewhere around here and I should look before I got to carried away. And low and behold, in the other evergreen bush next to it - the one I am planning to leave alone - there is a nest with several baby birds hanging out in their nest mostly sleeping. I really really hope that my whacking around on the other evergreen bush didn't make momma and poppa birds too unhappy.
I finished cutting off enough branches so the red-flower bush can grow in a more healthy way, but stopped far short of taking the whole bush out, since it and the bush with birds have grown into each other. The rest will need to wait until those birds get bigger and make their way into the world.
This entry was originally posted to Dreamwidth.
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