Letters Printed with Permission

Sep 05, 2004 14:51



published with permission

You are a true inspiration and I have so much respect for you. I have your livejournal bookmarked and look at it now and again.

I just love your artwork. And the patience you show by replying to all the ignorant, attacking people is amazing! Please never let them get to you. You have inspired women around the world. I can tell you your work has affected me personally and my view and experience of menstruation has been enhanced. I love the spiritual aspect of your work too.

You are one amazing, wonderful person. It sickens and saddens me to read some of the comments you get, but I'm glad you have a thick skin. Keep up the good work! Seriously, I'm sure you have affected many more people than you know! If only I was not in the UK, I would come and see your art show. Good luck with it all!

- Catherine Redfern, www.thefword.org.uk

Awe and wonder fill me now as I write these words. What joy you must feel to use your body to create such beauty. I am a man, and was never taught that any part of a woman's body was taboo. As a young man, I was surprised and saddened to learn that some women loath the experience of their period, and its issue. Some even felt deep shame and embarrassment. I always saw it as glorious. If your work helps just one woman to see herself as a font of beauty in this context, you will have accomplished something really great.

- Sander Roscoe Wolff, Executive Director, LongBeachCulture.org

Your art is beautiful, your medium universal.

- Daniel Reinhold, Baltimore, MD

What you do is absolutely wonderful and awe inspiring. Never before have I seen such wonderful art and witnessed such a powerful artist behind the works. You've made me look at menstruation differently and allowed me to think of myself as a different girl.

- A. Gabrielle, York, PA

I have to say that at first when I was linked to your site I immediately categorized you. I had heard of menstrual painting before and generally associated it with militant feminists who like to insult men and angrily declare their womanhood to the world. After reading your opening paragraphs, my opinion changed immediately. I was glad to read about your motivations and attitude. I dislike few things more than closed mindedness, and I was glad to find you to be in no way narrow minded. You've changed my opinion on the medium and impressed me as a person. As for the content, I would like to say that I was almost as equally impressed. Both your photography and paintings are very expressive and natural, and I've directed friends to your website. Thank you very much.

- Ross Murray, Slidell, Louisana

Your work is great and VERY important. I went to the "jokes" section and read some of what has been posted about you and the work and I was shocked. Those comments really do demonstrate the shame and outright hatred that some people have toward women. Unfortunately, many women have absorbed it and then pass it on to their daughters, friends, co-workers, etc. I find it interesting that I was in New York last fall, on the anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks, and so there was alot of outdoor artwork commemorating this horrible event. One installation I saw was made up of these HUGE panels of abstract, Pollock-esque paintings done in blood. You didn't see anyone protesting or freaking out, because it was not MENSTRUAL blood. Best to you.

-Monica Payne, Chicago, IL

i wanted to tell you that i used to study fine art, and i think your work is absolutely beautiful - it's the most original concept of celebrating what it is to be a woman that i've ever seen. i'm shocked at the things said in your jokes list though, some people just can't see anything beyond the medium of a work, and it's a real shame that instead of admitting that they don't understand it they decide to take the piss. your comment on your index page sums it up well. work is criticised for good reasons, especially because it is making people think. all the best in your endeavours.

- LMC, Devon, UK

I just came upon your site and wanted to say that I think your paintings are great. Visually they are very graceful and simply elegant, and your medium is a powerful statement. It is disappointing and sad how many people are so uptight about menstrual blood. Your art is an inventive way of reclaiming something very natural and in no way offensive. I'm an artist and psychologist, and I imagine that what you're doing could also have a lot of therapeutic value around issues such as shame in women.

- Dr. Luis Oliver, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

I'm a comic-book artist. I browsed through the galleries, FAQ and statement and felt like I needed to drop you a line right away. I'm impressed. Really, I ain't been this excited about non-comic art in quite a while. I'm pretty fond of Eastern calligraphy and art and found a certain likeness to that style in your works. The fact that you use such a media makes'em even more striking and personal. For some reason, I can't see the gross-out factor of the media of your choice. Blood is life, and menstrual blood is not any different. Our "culture" succeeded in making it something gross much like it succeeded in making sex dirty: I believe we've got our priorities all screwed up. Hopefully seeing what you're doing will help some, or possibly many women to win the shame they feel about menstruation. Again, thank you for your artwork: I'm always happy and grateful when something beautiful enters my life.

- Enrico, Milan, Italy

I just wanted to drop you a line or two about your art work. Visually, I must say you have a deliciously deft hand for beauty. And as far as your medium goes I must say I am impressed. 'Menses' have been ignored completely, and avoided in this culture. It makes perfect sense to me that someone has finally decided to show us that even the "grossest of the gross" can be turned into something beautiful. Keep up the good work.

- Emily Keeler, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

I think that your artwork is beautiful. I think that once people get past the part about it being menstrual blood, they will see my way. However, should they not get over the shock of it, and continue to make fun of you, I just have this to say: Screw 'em. When you start listening to critics, you end up doing yourself a diservice as an artist, because their thoughts about your artwork start to effect your ability to express yourself.

- Stephen Nettles, Tennessee

Your talent is truly delightful. It's good to see such splendid composition with clever titles yielding such wonderful art. Actually, it's more than art. It is a socially significant statement, and a bold (yet soft?) indictment; but more importantly, it's a step into the light. I applaud you, and your talent, courage, and gender. I wish you well in all your endeavors, and hope you have a happy, healthy, and prosperous life. It's rare, in these days of cookie cutter or formula art to discover a pioneer, but today it happened. Thanks for opening my eyes.

- Art Bach, Blairsville, GA

I'm not going to lie, when I first read over your site, and glanced at the paintings, I was a bit disturbed. But when I actually read your statements, and more importantly really looked at your artwork, I got past that first impression and respected it. Your artwork is completely stunning, and though I am no art expert, anyone with eyes in their head can see that you have talent. The passion you show toward your technique and belief is truly inspiring. I feel I can learn so much about myself, others and simply life just by looking at one of your paintings. And when I do shun away from a few that shock me, I can still reflect on the matter in a positive way. You really do break that image of menstrual blood, and menstruation in general as something disgusting or something to shun and avoid. I agree with many of your fans/followers that it's wonderful to see something so universal in artwork, and still it's so personal. You're very talented, and I hope you continue to create such beautiful artwork. I applaud you.

- Val, Baltimore MD

I would like to say that all those people who commented on your artwork being "disgusting" and "gross" (along with various other crude words that could quite possibly convey a lack of class that they accuse you of), are immature. That, and they can't look deeply enough to see what your paintings are truly conveying. Personally, I find the idea very beautiful. While I wouldn't do it myself, I think it is a positive thing that you do; the messages you send (disregarding how some, shall we say, close-minded morons, interpret them to be). I applaud your talent, creativity, and confidence! You just smile at those you criticize your work or make fun of it. And for that, you are truly remarkable. Keep up the great work!

- Molly, Toledo, OH

Okay, I'm guilty as charged! When I first looked at this site, I was having to hold my stomach, as the THOUGHT really grossed me out. However, I am one to withhold judgment as much as is humanly possible. Once I got past the idea of using menstrual blood for artwork and really LOOKED at the paintings, I found them to be fascinating and even beautiful in many ways. Yes, I too feel that women should not feel shame about their cycle, and there is way too much killing and blood in commercialism such as movies and video games. Why should there be shame in our cycles? I think it goes back to a time when having a period meant that a woman was not pregnant, therefore, not doing her "duty" by providing her husband with a child (or another child). Shame on her! Today, of course, that's more of a relief than anything else! However, stigmas die hard and that is one that will more than likely remain with us as a species.

- Bridget Christenson, Lawton, OK

The idea of painting with such a personal, symbolic medium inspires me and makes me reconsider my own relationship to my blood. I believe your artwork carries a very positive message for femininity on its wings:)

- Jennifer, Daytona Beach, FL

I find your work quite gorgeous, Vanessa, not unlike eastern brush and ink paintings and calligraphy...a very sparse beauty that offsets the visceral nature of your materials/medium.

- Jon Silpayamanant, Greencastle, IN

Your work is pretty surprising and I think the contrasts are amazing. I agree that female menstrual blood, amongst other things, is overplayed in the grossness area way too much. As a male, I'm more than a little unfamiliar with it in general. And, seeing as how I'm quite honest with myself and my feelings, I was actually a bit disturbed by the actual work. The paintings themselves are actually well done, and the more I thought about what you were trying to convey, the more I appreciated the idea. Creating something beautiful out of something so "ugly" is definitely admirable. To me, art is supposed to be pure emotion committed into some medium. I personally feel that a lot of "art" is lacking this trait, but I believe yours is conveying it well while also doing a brilliant job of instilling strong reactions in people. Overall, you have my respect. Which is probably the first time I've ever respected someone for playing with their bodily fluids.

- Matthew Cleary, St. John's, Newfoundland

So few things are truly universal, crossing the boundaries of time and place, of class and culture. Your art is a visual expression of the emotions, harmony, and turmoil associated with womanhood. So what better medium to use in your creations than your own lifeblood, the very thing that makes a woman a woman? I am touched by what your work represents, and I want to thank you for your courage and ingenuity.

- Amanda Riley, Knoxville, TN

After the initial "whoa" factor and possibly because of it, I begin to understand your message. I think it is a wonderful message that needs to be heard. I applaud you for all the work you've done. "A Vagina is Not a Toy" probably spoke to me the most.

- Terynce Butts, Rochester, NY

Inspiration! Painting, to me, is a dance, moments caught between the seconds, swimming in the reality that hides in the shadows. I paint, or rather, I dance with shapes and colors. I have long now been without inspiration. I have felt within the shadow I used to court. Your work has inspired me to step into the light again, with a whole new medium. I just wanted to say thank you.

- Shawnaly Tabor, Kalispell, MT

I arrived at your site tonight through someone's journal. She was talking about it and I wasn't sure of how I felt about it. I admit that I am one of the women that look at menstrual blood as the grossest of the gross. But at the same time, I have always been facinated by it. When I had my son, 6 months ago, the bleeding wouldn't stop. And it was somewhat of a proud moment - that blood helped to keep him alive inside of me. Whereas painting with my own blood is definitely not something that I would ever do, I congradulate you on your bravery and talent. I really admire your art and think it's beautiful. I showed a few pieces to my husband without telling him what it was painted with and he was impressed. Then I told him it was blood, and he was shocked. But then I told him it was menstrual blood and he was disgusted. And even in the shock and disgust, he still thought they were wonderful paintings. What you are doing is amazing and a bit empowering to those of us out there that cringe when they feel that initial starting trickle. Thank you for sharing this with all of us.

- Tiffany Downes, Royal Palm Beach

Your paintings are so beautiful!! I'm an art student and I spent over half an hour just gazing at them, even though I really should be studying for my art history final exam later today. You show who your conceptual influences are, but I would also like to know about your formal influences. I sense a strong flavor of Kandinsky (of whom I'm a big fan). Keep up the good work! You've got amazing talent.

- Janice "Janman" Baldwin, Calgary, Alberta

Like your work. It's odd that the casual passer-by doesn't understand the importance of materials in composition and that means can actually influence ends. I find it extremely ironic that people will criticize you for painting in your own blood and most don't know that "natural colouring" in dyes, inks and paints can contain bullocks and pig's blood. All the best with your work.

- Dave Kimball, Brisbane, Australia

I find your art wonderful and challenging. Thank you for having the courage to make this contribution. I can only imagine the amount of courage and trancendance it took to save, store and use something that (as you said) the world teaches us to see as dirty. The work fascinates me because in spite of really liking it and recognizing the talent behind it, sometimes your work seems difficult for me to look at. Which in turn makes me very curious about what part of me finds it challenging. Nature or nurture? I tend toward nurture but then why do so many countries around the globe shun menstrual blood and menstruation?

- Scot Hurd, USS Kitty Hawk (CV 63)

i was originally quite.... grossed out by the concept of menstrual art.. however, I have to admit that now, I realize what a celebration of femininity it is... It's a great way to put that messy blood to use. I was particularly moved by "Galaxy Crossing" and "Raising Midnight," which remind me of Japanese artwork.

- Taryn K., Atlanta, Georgia

I just wanted to say I was in awe when i came across your website and your beautiful artwork you had created. It is about time, that people paint with what they have inside of them this includes lots of things such as what you used for your painting, a person's mind, body, and soul. Don't let anyone get onto you about doing this type of artwork because they are the ones who do not actually get in touch with their whole body. I respect you very much on what you have created.

- Samantha Jarrell, West Virginia

A mate of mine showed me your artwork on livejournal, I was really awestruck! Not only with your artistic ability, but with your confidence and happiness with your body...it jumps out at me from each painting!

- Livi Ruffle, London, UK

A friend of mine sent me the link to your gallery thinking I would find the pieces "horrific." Nope. I LOVE them. What an inspired way to say that our monthly cycles are powerful and beautiful. The symbolic significance of menstrual blood does raise it far, far above the level of simple body waste. You aren't looking to shock, you are channeling the life force. I applaud you for it.

- Kerri S. McIntire

"Within", among others, is a beautiful beautiful piece of work. Thank you for displaying your art online, a very useful medium with which to disseminate to the masses ideas and insight. Is it for sale? I anxiously await your response.

- Bo Jensen, Canadian Music Centre, Toronto

Quite a site, beautiful paintings. Very evocative. And as a medium you've reached for something that shouldn't be extraordinary but of course is.

- Pete Lang, Sacramento, CA

To use something that so many hate...I find such beauty in it. Very few can find the power in that monthly flow...but you have...and I find it beautiful

- Serena Orman, Kalkaska, MI

The magic of moonblood clearly resides in these paintings Vanessa. This reminds me of some mysterious art gallery where there are so many favorite works of art you can't pick just one. The variety here is amazing considering you are using a limited palette of color and a simple white background. I am so glad you chose descriptive titles for them. Mere numbers or abstractions could not convey the creative fire of the medium nearly as well. Besides the paintings are very individualistic expressions of the Artist herself, and these captions give viewers more information than just a referrant name. All the pieces had something to say but the ones that spoke the loudest to me were: "One Root in a Thousand Seeds," "Floating in the Void," "Mirror Dance," "Astral Entry," and "Mar's Fire." Powerful Art indeed. Although "this is the most hidden blood" I do not think these paintings should be ignored or hidden away, so thank you for sharing them with us in such a nicely presented gallerylike fashion. All your journals (and website) give pleasure, provoke thought and are a feast for the eyes.

- David Torrey, Chicago

Thank you everyone for your letters.


menstrual paintings, menstrala, vanessa tiegs

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