Title: the whiter shade of black
ajinPairing: Jiho/Kyung, Jaehyo/Kyung, OT7
Rating: R
Genre: AU, Romance, Friendship
Word Count: 8,639
Summary: One person turns Kyung's world upside down and forces him to reassess his life.
...even if it's little, it should be enough... )
jaehyo was so confusing it was like I could never tell exactly what he was plotting. I almost see him as this evil mastermind working shit out behind the scenes. also, unfff jaekyung blowjob scene.
the stories for the side characters were really interesting, too. I wonder if minhyuk and yukwon ever made up from whatever the hell happened with them? and I hope hanhae got his happy ending at some point. poor baby, having this sekrit relationship because love is not hep hap.
I really didn't know who kyung was going to end up with by the end because there were moments where he seemed to actually consider jaehyo, but I'm glad he did wind up with jiho in the end. at the expense of kyung's poor girlfriend, though. ;_; she was a really neat character. hell, I'll take her if kyung doesn't want her.
anyway, I really enjoyed reading this, bb. :D so much love for you writing my presh ot3.
This fic was a spur of the moment based on my own jealousy problems and I guess I made Kyung as much of a douche as I can be. Feelings of any kind get get annoying :|
Neither could I tbh. I haven't even planned on writing him like this. He wrote himself.
Hmmm,I wonder...I almost threw a Minhyuk/Hanhae here though...
My goal was to confuse so I'm glad it worked. Be my guest, she'll prolly be happy XD
Thank you n__n Zikyung n Jaekyung are my main otps :3
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