Title: moira Author: ajin Pairing: Jaehyo/Kyung Rating: PG-15 Genre: AU, Black Humour, Romance Word Count: 1,246 Summary: Jaehyo and Kyung go on a midnight rendezvous. ( ...living through my darkest desires... )
the more i read it, the more i lmfao. idt there is anything to say about it. apart from:
gigantic pink notebook. AND A FUCKING LEG. IN ALL IT'S DEAD GLORY. successfully made my day.
also jaehyo being so nitpicky over things like this but i guess he would. if he would do stuff like that in the first place. i don't think i will see him the same way from now on. lol
you are definitely good job you have my utmost admiration and support for all fics of this genre. or any genre.
i know i shouldn't be all praise for a proper critique BUT WHAT DO YOU EXPECT. i guess the only thing that bothers me is the title. WHAT EVEN. it's the true title ok. we all know it.
awww look aren't they all loveydovey. guess all is good again, now that the leg in all it's dead glory was found.
the more i read it, the more i lmfao. idt there is anything to say about it.
apart from:
gigantic pink notebook. AND A FUCKING LEG. IN ALL IT'S DEAD GLORY. successfully made my day.
also jaehyo being so nitpicky over things like this but i guess he would. if he would do stuff like that in the first place. i don't think i will see him the same way from now on. lol
you are definitely good job you have my utmost admiration and support for all fics of this genre. or any genre.
i know i shouldn't be all praise for a proper critique BUT WHAT DO YOU EXPECT.
i guess the only thing that bothers me is the title. WHAT EVEN. it's the true title ok. we all know it.
awww look aren't they all loveydovey. guess all is good again, now that the leg in all it's dead glory was found.
I think Jaehyo would have one. Prolly stolen from Jiho though.
YESSSU! Thank you bb :3
Well...I'm still a bit sad that I've changed the title too. What even was a splendid one :/ let's leave it like this for the fandom though.
Awwwww. Can you believe I ship these 2 idiots without having seen any evidence that would support my shipping? I r good job...
lmfao, yeah along with all the rest of the dangerous hello kitty items jiho owns XD
wellllllll i guess not everyone has our sense of humour û__u
haha i said it before, but i am starting to really get used to this pairing. it could all be legit, spesh now that there is evidence lol
like the infamous pink scissors for example, no? vn__n
evidence is everywhere now, it's cray @_@
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