Mar 09, 2005 17:27
what a great night the mardi gras was!!!
me and robin had a competition who could get it on with the most people and i won at 17!!!
i even made out with 2 gay guys!!!!! one of them 'charles' even got me to pose for a photo of him sucking my nipples while robin pulled down my bra. twas a fun night for all.
i got incredibly trashed and spent a good ten minutes chatting up cops and hugging their horses, trying to convince the cops in a drunken slur that horses remember you better if you blow up their noses. they told me it was a myth.
i got upset.
but i let them go.
my goal of the night was to make out with a cop and a trannie.
unfortunately no trannies came my way and i was too drunk to stumble towards them and when near cops, was too afraid i met get arrested if i propositioned them.
robin made out with 11 people and threw up twice.
i made out with 17 and played with many boobs.
(morgana has niced pierced nipples. tastiest boobs ive had for years....)
lets see if i can rememebr everyone i made out with;
kris (chick)
pat (or known by robin and i as 'sex in a dress')
jo (chick)
cj (whoops)
murray (whoopsy daisy)
that goth guy ( i think his name may have been matt)
and someone else im pretty sure it was a chick
theres one chick i cant stop thinking about
shes amazing
i really like her
*giggles some more
anyway. the fun is over now and i wish it could happen every weekend as that is the most fun ive had since... well... last mardi gras
i didnt actually see the parade this year though as wse got there too late and it was impossible to actually see. but the party in the park was fantastic! lat year i was actually in the mardi gras so yeah i saw quite alot!
anyway im sick now
probably caught something off the 17 people i hooked up with!!! who could it have been? probably cj.
yesterday i was so sick after kj and hanako left i actually became delerious. i was yelling things about hazelnuts and butter to no-one in particular. (i was home alone.. actually carrie was asleep) my mum picked me up and rushed me to the doctor where i was given fun injections!!
anyway im feeling alot better now and i havent been throwing up every 3 minutes so yay!
all fun comes at a price.
xx TamaSin