Who: Tifa Lockhart, anybody else (open)
What: First post. Also, drowning.
Where: Entrance to Spiral City
When: Probably about mid-afternoon.
Rating: PG
Open: Yep
One thing Tifa never thought she'd be was lonely. It didn't help she was always surrounded by people. )
Did that even matter, anymore? He had met enough humans that he had almost begun to believe that perhaps the only evil ones were his creators and their employers, that most humans seemed to be basically good. At least the ones he had met so far.
Perhaps it was this cautious optimism that caused the Pokemon to pause in his walk when he saw the young woman near the church. Naturally he was walking by there; all paths seemed to lead to the church, after all. But she seemed lost and unhappy. He wondered if she was a new arrival, or simply having a bad time of it. He could always run away if he had to. There was no harm in talking to her...
He stepped over cautiously, remaining about three feet away.
(Hello. Are you lost?)
[[OOC: So I thought Mewtwo and Tifa might be friends ^^; Just FYI, he is using telepathy, hence the parenthesis. ]]
Finally, after a great swallow and forcing her eyes open, blinking owlishly, she peered up. The rims were red, almost like raw meat, lashes stuck together with tears.
"...d... did you say something?"
[[Yay! That is absolutely okay, though I realize I should have been more clear in saying the church was Cloud's church from Advent Children, not the Church. That's okay though :D]]
A few moments of thinking left him with the conclusion that she was probably not altogether in her right mind. While he was no judge of human health, she did look rather ill to him.
(I asked if you were lost. You also seem sick. Are you alright?)
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