Who: Jounouchi, tag to Regal (
What: Jounouchi's arrival to the city.
Where: Outside the church.
When: Backdated before the masquerade.
Rating: PG, because Jounouchi swears a bit.
Open: Possibly, but only if it's ok with Regal-mun.
Minor Orichalchos arc spoilers behind this cut )
As the shackled man continued to walk down the street past the many abandoned and ruined buildings, he noticed the form of someone sitting down up ahead. Regal walked in the direction of the person, curious and yet cautious. It could be almost anyone sitting on the street, but Regal had decided to be noticable when he approached him. He wanted to be prepared in case this person was violent, but he would rather not startle someone who could potentially be new to the city and not violent at all. This proved to be a difficult task, for although Regal walked towards Jounouchi without weapons, his muscles were tense and he doubted that wearing shackles would mean something positive in any world that someone could have come from.
His eyes widened a bit at hearing someone approach, and he glanced over, seeing someone in.. shackles. The chains struck him in an odd way, and for some reason, the only thing he could think of to say as he recoiled backwards was..
"...Aww, damn, don't tell me yer one of them ghosts of Christmas or whatever!"
"Ghost of Christmas?" Regal repeated, wondering what it was. Perhaps that was what they called people wearing shackles in his world? "I do not believe that I am such a thing. I am human, and I am from a different world from yourself, from what I can tell."
He thought he was dead. This 'different world' crap made less sense than that.
"...uhh.. where are we?"
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