Who: Kaizer, Wormmon, eventually Koushiro
Where: Kaizer's base
When: After Demyx visits Ken
Rating: PG...OR IS IT?
Open: nope nope
Ken had taken much pleasure when he instructed the red-head to hurt the pinkette. Another bandaid for his wounded pride. He left the scene up on the monitor to watch. And hoped it would be good. So far all he had gotten out of it was a shove. The Kaizer reclined back in his chair, scanning the other monitors as he waited for something...dramatic to happen between the two friends.
Friendship. Loyalty.
The only comrades he kept were the ones with evil rings around their necks. No arguements or hesitations. If there were, the rings would just switch on.
It was under his control that way. And that's exactly how Ken liked things.
He was making notes on who else to trap next. His eyes wandered to a certain blonde who was short with a cocky attitude. Yes. The other one who insulted his pride.
Ken would have to make that one especially harsh. Perhaps he would collar the brother instead...
Decisions, decisions. So much to do when you're a psychotic meglomaniac. So little time.
The back of his neck began to throb a bit and he scoffed, not even bothering to rub it. Seemed like the dark spore was acting up again...