Who: Miles Edgeworth, tagging Phoenix Wright
What: Miles is on an angst kick, and tries to find Phoenix. Or tries to in that 'I'm looking for you but not really' way of his.
Where: In the first tenement building, somewhere around or in Wright's apartment.
When: After his log with Mr. de Killer.
Rating: Worksafe... for now.
Open: Nope.
Too much. Too much had been going on as of late, and it was getting hard to keep up with it all. As if somewhat normal things were too much to be dealt with, now there was flooding and dragons and other fun stuff sure to come.
Still dripping wet, he left the rooftop and vanished down the stairs, heading for the first floor. On one flight, he paused, and glanced out the window. The water was overhead, and he could certainly see rats and whatnot floating in it.
"Disgusting." He managed with a faint snort. God he hated this place. Parts of it were a puzzle and failed logically to make sense, but still: he would have probably cared more if he wasn't trapped there waiting to die. Or worse.
Turning from the window, he headed for the rest of the stairs, leading himself down into the basement, heading towards a certain apartment in question. If he was even there.
Wright. He needed to find Phoenix, to let him know the 'good' news. If it could even be called that.