Who: Ema, tagging Yuko
What: Ema ends up in Yuko's teahouse by accident, but decides to make a wish while she's there.
Where: um... Yuko's teahouse *points up*
When: After Ema
oh-so-stupidly offered herself up to Matt via email
Rating: um... worksafe? Probably no worse than PG.
Open: 'fraid not.
God damn these doors.
Ema swore they were playing with her
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Floating in her palm was a small butterfly, about the size of a marble. It fluttered and parts of it seemed to be an iridescent purple, but this beauty was intermixed with times when it was such a deep black it didn't even reflect light. It was crackling faintly.
Yuko caught the butterfly between the thumb and forefinger of her left hand, and held it out to Ema. "Swallow it quickly, and don't use any tea to help it down."
The instructions were just shy of ridiculous, however. Swallow a butterfly?! It was a magic butterfly, yes, but still... it was weird.
However, Ema was not about to bicker with Yuko over things she didn't understand. Gently, she took the butterfly from Yuko and swallowed. While it didn't go down terribly easily, she didn't choke on it like she anticipated.
The other stipulation, however, was a bit harder to swallow. There went her plans to protect everyone from Matt's wrath. She worried a bit silently, but quickly found herself too tired to fret too much. She yawned a bit and decided that she would figure out the particulars when she felt more awake.
She went over to the futon and crawled into it. "Thank you, Yuko."
She stood up. "There are wards on this room, so you can sleep relatively safely here. I've kept all the doors in this teahouse open a crack to stop you from ending up somewhere odd. I'll be on the back porch if you need me, its the first door on your left if you exit this room."
With that, she slipped quietly out of the side room, then out into her courtyard to do some thinking.
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