Who: Miles Edgeworth, Phoenix Wright, Maya Fey
Where: In room 105 of the first tenement building, Phoenix's apartment.
When: During the earthquake.
What: Upon Lana's request, Edgeworth heads for a walk, a nice shower, and attempts to forget his angsty feelings over the whole Ema situation before the earthquake. Did I mention that Edgeworth is insanely seismophobic?
It was only due to Lana's persuasian that he left the warehouse where Ema currently was. It was clear to the female prosecutor that Miles needed some time to himself: being around so many people wasn't helping him at all, and so a walk back to Phoenix's apartment was in order.
He'd shower, change his clothes, maybe eat something, and then head back. He was not sleeping. While his body craved sleep, his mind refused, racing over countless 'what if's too numerous to even think of rest.
The walk from the warehouse to the tenement building was surprisingly short, and Miles found the apartment quickly, walking inside. It was empty, as Phoenix was out.. somewhere. With Maya still?
He dismissed that train of thought quickly, bothered further at being alone. With nobody to talk to, he felt even more plagued by his 'baggage'. He sighed to himself, sitting on the couch.. but only stopped on the way to take up the bottle of wine Phoenix bought the other day.
It wasn't much, but Miles needed something, and cigarettes were not an option.
Perhaps it was a foolish option, anyway. While it was only wine, half a bottle was starting to make Miles even more weighed down by his thoughts. He sighed, took one last 'shot', and decided to start getting ready to head back.
The bottle just touched the floor when the earthquake struck. A cry of panic died in his throat as his eyes widened, the familiar feeling of terror seizing every part of his being and sending him down to the ground, managing a weakly curled up position before losing consciousness entirely.