Apr 25, 2007 20:30
Who: Tom and Harry
When: Shortly after the Mark is set off
Where: Close to the Warehouse District
What: Harry's in for a very rude awakening
The Mark was set. Everyone seemed to be feeling it to some degree by now. But that wasn't what Tom was concerned about. Draco was given his orders and now the only thing left was to head back to his mausoleum and have a brief lie-down. Or maybe he'd go and secure more supplies somehow. Magic could only give someone so much after all.
There was a strange feeling. . . Tom felt like there was something here that he really wanted to see, and yet he saw nothing else of interest except for Draco. Was there another Death Eater nearby? No, surely not. They'd have come to the Mark immediately if that was the case.
Tom gripped his wand and moved on. There were warehouse's nearby; perhaps they held necessities that could be used?
harry potter,
tom riddle