Getting back on track as much as possible, I bring you [in my post-homework haze] the next challenge for you, my lovely icon-makers!
This week's theme... is "Eyes Rutherford"
Eyes Rutherford is the combination of the hard Arctic winter and the gentle English early summer. Outwardly, he is cold and severe, perfect in every aspect of the Blade Child image and expecting that perfection of others, and unaccepting of failure by either others or himself. However, behind that icy shell is a compassionate nature and a gentle kindness that, while he is reluctant to show it, often slips out in tiny ways without him noticing. Once he has decided to protect someone, he spares no effort to do so.Though he might never actively say out loud that he considers someone a friend, he makes it known in several little ways, and those closest to him recognize those signs and appreciate it. Thus does Eyes earn the complete loyalty of his companions.
~Our description is courtesy of the amazing
Show your loyalty to the lovely musician in up to two icons. Before submitting, make sure you've seen the rules in the profile and stick to the theme. Anything Eyes Rutherford will do perfectly!
Submit all entries to this post with your username and the icon's URL.
Submissions will be closed Friday night at 10:00PM EST.
Reminder will be in the middle of the week, so good luck and happy iconing!
♥ Kyo