Jul 31, 2006 14:17
Just before the weekend begun a wee little package arrived at the doorstep. Seemed the Daria boxset ordered from Canadia nearly 5 months ago finally arrived. And here I was doubting our maple-leaf eating freinds from the north, eeeyy?
Every episode of Daria on DVD. Hmmm. Ergo, I've been binging all weekend then, haven't I? And apart from raising fears that I may very well one day turn out like Jake (but less successful, good times were had by all. Except when I stopped to go to some boring arse family diddley at my Brothers, watch the Bledislo Cup and the Dragons get beaten. The lesson was, never stop watching your DVDs
Now, time for some unabashed quoting!
Trent: "I've been practicing for 10 hours straight."
Jane: "Daria, would you say falling asleep with a guitar in your hands counts as practicing?"
Trent: "It does if you don't drop it."
Helen - We should have started this earlier.
Jake - (mutters) You sound like my father.
Helen - What?
(Jake gets tent back up during following rant)
Jake - Oh, he knew everything about camping. Course, he had a different approach! No tent for Mad Dog Morgendorffer! Oh, no! No sleeping bag, either! You lash some damn sticks together for a lean-to, slept on a bunch of pine needles, and if it rained, well, tough crap! No tent for Mad Dog Morgendorffer, and no tent for little Jakey, either!
Helen - That's good, honey. You're letting out some of that tension.
Jake - Why couldn't he just love me for who I was?
(Daria and Quinn enter carrying firewood)
Helen - All right, Jake... um, now you're letting out too much tension.
Jake - Why did he think I was still wetting the bed at fifteen? (he looks up) Oh, hi, girls!
(camcorder view of Quinn and Tiffany at cosmetics counter)
Quinn - Oh, look! Pore refiner. I'm glad I don't need that. Have you ever noticed how popular people always have the tiniest pores? I wonder why that is?
Tiffany - Your pores are really cute, Quinn.
Quinn - (panics) But you can't seem them, can you?
(Quinn finally notices that Daria is still taping, and does what Daria has been waiting all day for her to do: completely and totally lose her cool)
Quinn - Oh, my God, they've been... they've been zooming! You better not zoom that thing. Stop zooming, I mean it. If you can see any of my pores on camera, I swear, I'll kill you. Stop the tape! I do not have pores! My pores are cute! MY PORES ARE TINY! YOU'RE FIRED!!!!
(Quinn pushes her hand into the camera lens; taping stops in a burst of static)
Good times!
And in unrelated news, Ministry are touring. Fan-freaking-fucking-tastic news.
Sooo many good shows coming up, had to happen when I'm saving for my trip to seppo-land, didn't it?