Back from the WildWays...

Dec 07, 2006 19:20

((I hate the Holidays and having two jobs sucks ~_~. I've been busier then a one legged man in a butt kicking contest! And I don't even celebrate Christmas. Bah Hum-bug!))

The six-armed woman known as Spiral sat on the cold floor of her bedroom before the massive window that made up one whole side of her room, the rest of the BodyShoppe empty and quite, Benjamin off somewhere, the cats and other creatures sleeping. She long white hair looked blue from the light outside, her helmet resting on the bed behind her along with most of her many weapons as she sat there with her knees drawn up, feeling so terribly old and alone.

She had recently returned to her home from wondering the never ending pathways of the WildWays, allowing herself to become lost in the comforting chaos. Now she sat alone in the dark, staring out at the strange world beyond the glass in this pocket universe that she had made home. A small data pad in one hand, another one sitting beside her.
   She glanced down at the pad she held, the image of a sweetly smiling Shatterstar sitting next to an eaqually smiling Dazzler on the grass in some park somewhere, the sun shining above them. Clearly both simply enjoying one anthers company, both striking and attractive, especially her tall fair red-haired offspring, but both seeming utterly human- utterly normal.
    How could she not help but feel utter envy and jealousy? Longshot might have had the 'luck' powers, but it was Dazzler who was truly blessed by fortune. And though Spiral was greatly saddened and hurt at how easily she was forgotten in favor of another...again... She loved Gaveedra enough to want him to be happy. Even if that meant that he hated her and wanted nothing to do with her, as he had made perfectly clear in their last disastrous meeting. Reminding her of her lowly 'place' in the shadows that she had long come to except as her fate, her presence an unwanted taint in his life. But look! See how happy he was with 'her' and the retarded fool Longshot, basking in there happy world of light and laughter.
     "You'll never know how truly lucky you are, SongBird..." she said aloud, glaring at the pink haired mutant's smiling face. "Even my firey-hearted Gaveedra happily gives you his love. You, who have been given everything I have ever wanted, even my own offspring... Revel in what you have been gifted with," she hissed, her disquieting white eyes glowing in the darkness.
   She continued to look at the cheerful image for several long moments before her three-fingered hand suddenly crushed the data pad, dropping the now sparking and crushed piece of junk uncaringly to the floor. With that same hand she reached for the remaining data pad next to her, yet instead of a photo the small screen showed complicated schematics and the hurried diagrams scrawled in a spidery script. Her eyes narrowed in remembered rage, for she was looking at Arizes's notes and observations from long ago, notes he had taken while transforming a reluctant human woman into the creature she now was.
   There where several vid-discs of the operation, but Spiral had only been able to watch a few minuets of one disc before the pathetic begging and horrible screaming had simply become to much. It was a truly odd thing to watch yourself being dissected like some bizarre voyeuristic horror film. Even for a mad and bloodthirsty being such as herself, it had been too much, forcing her to look away and smash a fist through a perfectly good monitor. Now she scoured Arize's notes to see how she could remove the many 'fail-safe' implants that Mojo had wisely insisted be installed in her body during her 'reconstruction'.
   She had been hoping to maybe simply inject herself with some nanites, allowing them to destroy the devices from within, but the more she read through the notes the more it looked like she would be forced to remove them by more drastic means.
   "Damn Arize to the slime pit of Slrag! By the sacred light's burn his soul!" She snarled angrily, throwing the data pad across the room in disgust before letting out a tired groan, crossing all six arms over her pulled up legs. She hated operating on herself. It was always so messy, complex and not to mention a pain in the ass.

(( Damn you Dazzer! And your pink lesbo butch hair to!
    *laughs* Looks like you where totally right, Dazz totally stole Shatterstar! Its gotta be the pink hair. ~_^. Spiral's being a sad emo right now, but will be back to the usual insanity soon.))
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