I can't take it any more!

Nov 11, 2005 22:19

violetnun posted this in her LJ days ago... and it's been stuck in my head ever since, provoking random outburts of guffahing, giggles, and head shaking. I told it to a cow-orker today to try to help me get over it. It didn't work. It's stuck even more in my head now... My children think I need professional help ;)...

So a pirate goes into a bar with a ship's wheel hanging out of his pants. The bartender asks the pirate, "what's that ship's wheel doing hanging outta your zipper?" The pirate says, "AARRRRR! it's driving me nuts!"


I think it's because I can hear the pirate voice so clearly in my mind (and I'm disappointed I forgot about International Talk Like A Pirate Day in September ;).

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