Details of me

Jul 29, 2020 22:15

Favourite fast food restaurant? Subway, I don’t eat a lot of fast food. Love me a veggie delight!

Favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate

Favorite candy? Swedish fish

Favorite food of all time? Bread!!

Favorite way to cook a steak? I honestly hate cooking and I’m still not a huge fan of meat, though I wouldn’t say no to a steak stir fry well done.

Favorite cereal? Special K vanilla almond.

Favorite breakfast food? Pancakes, french toast, or Waffles.

Favorite pizza toppings? I can’t eat pizza anymore *cries* I loveD green olives and mushrooms.

Favorite fruit? Apples

Favorite vegetable? Green beans or peas and carrots.

Favorite dessert? Cheese cake

Favorite comfort food? Cinnamon buns

Favorite way to eat bacon? Extremely crispy.

Favorite thing at a buffet? Egg rolls

Favorite pumpkin-flavored treat? Pumpkin Spice Latte.

Favorite cake? Cheese cake or anything homemade

Favorite thing to cook? Nothing. If I had to it would need to be something easy like soup and grilled cheese.

Favorite soda? ginger ale.

Favourite alcoholic beverage? I don’t drink anymore but I used to love whiskey sours.

Favorite drink at Starbucks? Cinnamon dolce latte, haven’t had one in years!

Favorite flavor coffee? Double double

Favorite movie? Star Wars A New Hope.

Favorite Harry Potter movie? Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

Favorite Hobbit from the Lord of the Rings? Samwise, he loved a simple life.

Favorite Simpson's character? I honestly never got into the whole Simpsons deal

Favorite TV sitcom? Friends, Golden Girls, New Girl

Favorite cartoon? Spiderman

Favorite scary movie? Not a fan

Favorite funny movie? Yeah, I can’t choose.

Favorite celebrity? I'm going to say Ryan Reynolds, he seems genuine.

Favorite chick flick? Pride and Prejudice with Kiera Knightly

Favorite Pixar movie? I’m constantly confused with Pixar and Disney so I’m not sure!

Favorite Leonardo Dicaprio movie? Man I’m the Iron Mask

Favorite Marvel movie? Avengers

Favorite current TV show? The Walking Dead

Favorite cancelled TV series? Gilmore Girls or Friends. I also enjoyed Jessica Jones.

Favorite classic movie? Star Wars movies

Favorite Beatles song? I couldn’t name a single song at the moment

Favorite band or music artist? Right Now: I have the Greatest Showman soundtrack on repeat.

Favorite song? Almost any Disney song

Favorite cover song? Panic! At the Disco covering Into the Unknown from Frozen 2.

Favorite Podcasts: I don’t follow podcasts, might be something for me to look into.

Country you want to visit? Ireland

Favorite kind of vacation? Quiet and relaxing

Favorite beach? I hate beaches

Fictional place you’d want to visit? Good question! Hogwarts

Favorite thing about traveling? I hate travelling as well, I get extremely jet lagged just driving for a few hours

Favorite dinosaur? Raptor, Blue!

Favorite breed of dog? I don’t have a favourite. I’d eventually like a lab of some kind.

Favorite season? Fall

Favorite flower? I don’t have a favourite flower

Favorite animal? Wolf, cats, dogs

Favorite thing about a rainy day? If I can read or watch a movie. (Same) I also enjoy a good nap!

Favorite thing about spring? I feel lighter

Favorite wild animal you’d like as a pet? A lion

Favorite sport? I’m not big on sports.

Favorite football team? Green Bay Packers

Favorite basketball team? None.

Favorite hockey team? Pittsburgh Penguins (I don’t follow sports but this is Andrew’s team)

Favorite baseball team? None.

Favorite sport to play? Football or soccer

Favorite sport you wish you were a pro at? Boxing

Favorite professional athlete? I don’t have one.

Favorite nursery rhyme? Itsy bitsy spider

Favorite childhood memory? Playing and having fun. I miss the freedom of being a kid.

Favorite board game? Clue

Favorite children’s show? Teen Titans

Favorite toy as a child? Super Nintendo count?

Favorite thing about school? Everything, I want to go back!

Favorite age? I enjoyed my teens up until 18. I also liked my early 20s.

Favorite Christmas present? Pajamas

Favorite Dr. Seuss book? One fish, two fish, red fish blue fish

Favorite Halloween costume you've worn? Skunk when I was little

Favorite Winnie the Pooh character? Tigger

Favorite thing to do during recess? Play football

Favorite superhero? Spiderman

Favorite video game? Super Mario

Favorite place to shop? Walmart or giant tiger

Favorite store in the mall? I loathe the mall but I enjoy Chapters/coles, the quilt shop and EBX

Favorite perfume/cologne? None, so allergic.

Favorite hair color? I like the colour my hair is now, it’s gotten more red as I’ve aged.

Favorite makeup you can't live without? I don’t wear any, was never a huge makeup person.

Favorite shoes? Slip on or my new balance ones.

Favorite occasion to dress up for? Hahaha I never dress up

Favorite hairstyle? Always in a pony or bun. (Same)

Favorite outfit you have? I love comfort, if I’m going out in public I like jeans and a T-shirt. If I’m staying home I love my jogging pants from Costco and a T-shirt

Favorite soap scent? Cucumber

Favorite article of clothing? Yoga Pants or jogging pants

Favorite place for a piercing? I don’t have any anymore. I liked my helix piercing though

Favorite piece of jewelry? I’m not a jewelry person, I do like my engagement and wedding rings though.

Favorite luxury brand? I don't own anything designer either.

Favorite day of the week? In order: Saturday, Sunday, Friday, The others can suck an egg.

Favorite holiday? Christmas or Thanksgiving

Favorite website? I guess Facebook

Favorite way to communicate? Text.

Favorite car color? Blue.

Favorite baby boy name? David

Favorite baby girl name? Jordyn and Taylor

Favorite thing to do when you’re sick? Sleep.

Favorite thing you’ve done in the last 24 hours? Making funny faces with David

Favorite place to meet up with friends? I haven’t met up with friends In years!

Favorite hobby? Reading, writing and drawing

Favorite way to cheer you up? Listening to my kids laughing

Favorite thing to look forward to? The weekend.

Favorite kind of gift to receive? I enjoy all gifts

Favorite way to relax? I love drinking tea and reading.
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