(no subject)

Apr 13, 2004 00:22

Sooo, I am now working at Mount Blue. Starting off, I'm only working saturdays, but thats fine, cuz I'm more of a Friday person anyways :)

Ummmmmm, I went shopping today, got some stuff at Victoria's Secret, la de da de da. Not much else to talk about, really. Nothing much has happened. I had a fever on Easter, or, as I like to call it, Jesus's Ressurection Day, so I slept on the car ride to NH, the car ride back, and through the rest of the day. In total, I slept 32 hours. It was wonderful.

and now,
SpinSpinSuga116: mattttt
Whiskey Meister: huh
Whiskey Meister: no
Whiskey Meister: im tryin to join an anti PETA group
SpinSpinSuga116: hahahahaha
Whiskey Meister: co founder and long time officer of PETA says "we feel that animals have the same rights as retarded children"
SpinSpinSuga116: ....
Whiskey Meister: In 2001, three masked SHAC members brutally bludgeoned a medical researcher outside his home in England. The lead attacker was arrested and sentenced to three years in prison. A few months later, SHAC attacked another research industry employee on his doorstep with a chemical spray to his eyes, leaving him temporarily blinded and writhing in pain. The following year, Newkirk was asked her opinion of SHAC in the Boston Herald. Her response? “More power to SHAC if they can get someone’s attention.”
SpinSpinSuga116: whats shac?
Whiskey Meister: stop hintingdon animal cruelty
SpinSpinSuga116: .....
Whiskey Meister: its a town or something
SpinSpinSuga116: thats gay
Whiskey Meister: ALF is the original
Whiskey Meister: ALF blows labs up
SpinSpinSuga116: okay
Whiskey Meister: there terrorists
Whiskey Meister: basically
SpinSpinSuga116: thats stupid
Whiskey Meister: except PETA supports them
Whiskey Meister: with money
SpinSpinSuga116: ok
Whiskey Meister: and says shit like, well, if there getting the point across then its OK to us
SpinSpinSuga116: ok
Whiskey Meister: some guy who works at an animal shelter, he had people picketing yellin shit outside his house
Whiskey Meister: gave his wife a heart attack
SpinSpinSuga116: man, this shit gets you really worked up, huh?
Whiskey Meister: his job is to save as many animals as he can, and whatever ones arent adopted they HAVE TO put down
SpinSpinSuga116: i've never seen you type this much except for our piercing debate
Whiskey Meister: and he saves a ton a year
Whiskey Meister: and PETA harrases this dude cause they keep the animals in cages, and put some down
Whiskey Meister: lol
Whiskey Meister: and PETA was found out in a scandal to have taken in like a shitload of animals
Whiskey Meister: and only two thirds came back out, the rest were killed
Whiskey Meister: and they use complete bullshit propaganda
Whiskey Meister: their current ad campaign is, the animal holocaust or somethin
SpinSpinSuga116: matt
Whiskey Meister: and they have pictures of skinny goats
Whiskey Meister: next to pictures of skinny jews
SpinSpinSuga116: we all know peta is stupid
SpinSpinSuga116: matt
Whiskey Meister: there goin down
Whiskey Meister: DOWWWNNNN
Whiskey Meister: im gonna fire bomb peta
SpinSpinSuga116: matt
Whiskey Meister: there all fags
Whiskey Meister: they all look like bill
Whiskey Meister: seriously lol
Whiskey Meister: vegan power?
SpinSpinSuga116: ahahahahahahahahahahaha
Whiskey Meister: the have intense rallies
Whiskey Meister: cause all extremists go
Whiskey Meister: there are fuckin brawels
Whiskey Meister: brawls
Whiskey Meister: cops in riot gear
Whiskey Meister: like soccer riots
Whiskey Meister: the cops dont even do nethin either, they just stand there and do what they can
Whiskey Meister: sean and I and whoever else
Whiskey Meister: are goin to one of their debates
Whiskey Meister: with FUCK PETA shits
Whiskey Meister: shirts
SpinSpinSuga116: hahaha
SpinSpinSuga116: yeah, okay, like they'd let you in
Whiskey Meister: and were gonna email Ted Nugent who hates PETA with a passion
Whiskey Meister: its outdoors
Whiskey Meister: its a rally
Whiskey Meister: they cant not let neone in
SpinSpinSuga116: are you planning on getting jumped or soemthing?
Whiskey Meister: people go to the hospital at these things
Whiskey Meister: prolly some deaths oversees
Whiskey Meister: like the PETA fuckers will bring like bats
SpinSpinSuga116: okay, matt?
Whiskey Meister: the extremists who firebomb shit and stuff
Whiskey Meister: if they see fuck peta shirts
Whiskey Meister: its on
SpinSpinSuga116: matt
Whiskey Meister: im bringin my baton
Whiskey Meister: lol
SpinSpinSuga116: i'm going to bed
Whiskey Meister: you just wait
Whiskey Meister: were gonna have a nation wide organization
Whiskey Meister: were gonna oppose the extremist vegans
Whiskey Meister: were gonna spray animal blood all over em at the rally
Whiskey Meister: lol
SpinSpinSuga116: goodnight matt
Whiskey Meister: lol goodnight

my friends are NUTS. But I love them.
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