can you justify me?

Jun 14, 2006 21:24

its been a funfilled week. and its not even over.

yesterday after work me and jeanne decided to go to the beach. so we drove to revere beach. and after swimming in cool water(it was wayyy too hot out) we ate ice cream and wrote crazy stuff in the sand. and tanned of course. she has a really pretty wedding ring. and a really pretty husband!haha

last night i was at the lowell leaders banquet. i was afraid i would feel out of place but i didnt. i was afraid things would be awkward but they werent. and oddly enough that was a good closing to leaders. and i have needed that closure for a week. so thanks to all those guys for recieving me. i've forgotten the team kind of atmosphere leaders should contain. and i've forgotten what it is to have advisors who give a shit. you take it for granted until you lose it. and i love going to lowell and finding it again. to relax. and not have the burden of the fate of my entire club sitting on my shoulders, but rather to just be a part of something.

today me and kim chilled for the first time in ages. it was cool. we wandered to school so i could get my transcript and shit out of guidance. then we visited all those teachers that i'm so horribly addicted to. it worked out really well. and i talked to cricket for a whole block. and got some high quality closure on the issue. and now i feel like talking to her/ seeing her/ all that jazz is not nearly as essential or even crucial as it once seemed.

i got two letter from northeastern today. one of which said they are giving me a grant in addition to my nothing of financial aid so i can now still not afford college. but less so. the other was room assignments stuff. i am in a triple with a girl named liz from washington state and a girl named lorraine from saugerties, ny. some leaders kid somewhere must know where that is. but the best part. i am in smith. who told me they knew someone who had been there? i think they said smith dorms were the best. i hope i'm that lucky. best part is i'm in room.... 326. i'm wondering if anyone else is seeing the intense irony of this. i have been screaming "fate" since the letter came. wtf? this further proves the fluke theory i have of northeastern.

yeah. so all in all things work out. and i guess right now i am pretty ok with it all.


there is so much pepsi left from my party. i am SO happy!
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