[fic] A Promise Worth Keeping [9/?]

Dec 13, 2009 23:49

title: A Promise Worth Keeping
chapter: 9/?
genre: drama
rating: NC-17
band/pairing: Nightmare x SCREW; Ni~ya x Manabu, Byou x Kazuki, Jin x Yuuto, SCREW OT4, Hitsugi x Manabu, Ruka x Sakito
warnings: m/m contact, light BDSM
disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, completely unauthorized
summary: Manabu had made a promise to himself....
rewind: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
comments: Getting back to the plot today, such as it is. One of these days I will catch up to where I'm supposed to be with this challenge, I swear. >_>


Manabu woke to a rather pleasing ache suffusing his entire body, a warm body at his back, and an arm loose about his waist. He didn't entirely remember coming to bed, but he didn't think that really mattered. Absently, he found himself wondering what time it was, but the truth was, he couldn't make himself care enough to even open his eyes, let alone try to find a clock. It couldn't be that late, or else his phone would have been ringing ... wherever it was he'd left his phone. At the moment he really couldn't be bothered to care.

The arm around his waist pulled him in tighter, pierced lips brushing against the back of his neck, and he shivered.

“Good morning, kitten.” Hitsugi murmured. A soft hum and Manabu wiggled himself closer, still not ready to get up. Why should he when he wasn't being pushed away? When he was, in fact, being held closer, as if he were someone important, someone who mattered.

“Great, now I have to deal with two of you lazy brats?” Manabu whimpered and pressed even closer to Hitsugi's warmth. He wasn't ready for the real world to intrude on his fantasies just yet, dammit.

“Rupon's made breakfast when you two lazy felines feel like getting out of bed,” Sakito continued a moment later, one hand resting on Manabu's leg. In spite of himself, Manabu opened his eyes, glancing up at the other man. Amusement, an almost indulgent quality in the man's smile, which was not at all what he had been expecting. But definitely very nice.

“We'll get up when we're ready, Saki,” Hitsugi rumbled, pulling Manabu even closer. “And we're not ready yet.”

Manabu rather liked the sound of that, nuzzling against warm skin. Sakito muttered something he couldn't quite catch, but inasmuch as the man wasn't making any more of a fuss about them getting out of bed, he didn't care.

“Mm, should I make it a very good morning for you, Hitsugi-sempai?” Manabu purred, running fingertips over Hitsugi's bare chest. Selfish perhaps, but last night had been so good, so very good, could he really be blamed for wanting more?

“I think that sounds like an excellent idea,” Hitsugi agreed, fingers tangling in Manabu's hair, tilting his head back for a deep kiss. Such a delicious way to start the morning. He was going to miss this when he had to go back to his regular life.

Thoughts that were quite interrupted by the phone sailing through the air to land, vibrating, on the bed behind him. What the hell?

“It's been doing that for the last half hour, Maneki. Maybe you should do something about it?”

Sigh. And it had been such a good plan, too. But inasmuch as it was Yuuto on his phone....

“Yuuto-kun~ I'm sorry, did I oversleep again?”

“This is becoming a bad habit of yours, Macchan. I take it you aren't with Ni~ya-sempai.”

“Sakito-sempai took us out to dinner and Hitsugi-sempai -.”

“I don't want to hear it, Macchan. You were supposed to be here an hour ago. You've been ignoring my calls. If you can't start behaving in a more proper, adult manner....”

Yuuto didn't have to say it, Manabu knew where those words were headed. If he kept missing practices, kept disappointing Yuuto with this recklessness, he would no longer have a place in the band he loved.

“I understand, sempai. I will be there soon.”

Knowing that he had disappointed Yuuto hurt more than any sort of physical punishment. He didn't deserve the kindnesses fate had seen fit to put into his life.

“So that's a no on the morning sex,” Hitsugi murmured, surprisingly gentle fingers combing through his hair. “Come on, into the shower and we'll get you something clean to wear.”

“But -.”

“You can make it up to me later,” the guitarist interrupted, nudging Manabu. “I'm sure you're quite adept at that”

“Dinner then?” Manabu asked, lingering yet longer. He knew he was misbehaving acting so selfishly like this, but he needed to be certain that he would be allowed to make things proper between Hitsugi and himself. As recklessly as he had behaved these past few days, he would not be able to forgive himself if it resulted in any sort of bad blood between their two bands.

“Definitely,” Hitsugi agreed, brushing a quick kiss to Manabu's cheek. Only then did he let himself get pushed around, sent into the shower. He didn't have time for lingering, not even enough time to really consider what he might do to apologize to Yuuto. Lunch? But he had already promised Ni~ya that. Well, he would think of something....

challenge: jry advent 2009, band: screw, band: nightmare

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