Crimson Glass (Tales of the Abyss, Jade/Guy, Guy/Luke, NC-17) 1/1

Jan 23, 2007 11:54

Title: Crimson Glass
Author: Spinny Roses
Fandom: Tales of the Abyss
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Yaoi (Jade/Guy. Guy/Luke)
Spoilers: When Guy remembers about his past
Disclaimer: Don't own.
Summary: The shaking doesn't stop.

Crimson Glass
By Spinny Roses

The shaking doesn't stop. Not even the gentle gloved hand soothes the fine trembling, and he grips hard to shoulders. The memories of all the bodies, the scent, the overwhelming pressure and deafening screams invade his muscles. His mouth opens to try to explain and cannot. Instead, he just sags, shaking even harder. There is only the briefest flash of red before his mouth is covered, a warm and wet tongue forcing its way past his teeth.

He holds tightly, arms dropping to circle the body ravaging his body. A hand slips into his pants and he breaks the kiss, softly gasping. There is a name, barely recognizable in the breath, that causes the hand to pause before cupping him quite firmly. He tilts his head back as teeth scrape down his neck, and opens his eyes slightly as the colored light washes over his face. It is more than sacrilege to perform this act here, it is damning. But the trembling melds with the blood scorching through his veins, the beautiful colors fading as red becomes the dominant hue in this room.

The hand that pulls his erection free isn't soft, but callused in all the wrong spots. It strokes him firmly as teeth snag his ear, pulling the flesh slightly. It's pain, it's pleasure. It's distracting, which is more than he could ask for at this moment. His fingers tangle in hair much too long, holding the head right where he needs it. The hand below tightens briefly, warningly.

He is kissed one more time before the body moves, changing position to behind him as he gasps out his young master's name, now audible behind the aroused breaths. His body shakes, this time poised on the edge of release, and a free arm comes up to hold him close. The release hits him as a soft kiss is pressed behind his ear, the fluid splattering onto holy ground. He opens his eyes, looking up eyes as hard as and the same color as the red stained glass above.

guy/luke, rating: nc-17, yaoi, jade/guy, tales of the abyss

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