A taste, and would you know? (Supernatural, PG, no pairing) 1/1

Jul 23, 2006 09:22

Title: A taste, and would you know?
Author: Spinny Roses
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Spoilers: Pilot
Disclaimer: Don't own
Summary: Dean's dying, and Sam knows it.

A taste, and would you know?
By Spinny Roses

Dean's dying, and Sam knows it.

He tends to favor one leg over the other now while walking. It's not noticeable; most girls think it's a cool swagger, or that he's too big for his body. They fall over themselves to see if what's between his legs is as big as his walk suggests, not realizing his gait is due to a deep scar across his upper thigh, a cut that nearly curved around to sever his femoral artery.

Breakfast, lunch, dinner... they're all distant dreams, to all the Winchester family. Sugary food snapped up from convenience stores when the Impala needs gas, a beer and nuts when they stop to hustle more money, and the occasional real diner meal when Dean manages to cheat enough cash out of his victims make up their foraging.

Each night, when Sam used to study history and Latin and biology and other things that would help him live, Dean would be with his father looking up weird occurrences, weird deaths. Each afternoon, after school, Sam would talk of college, how any college would snap up both Winchester brothers. How Dean, even though he didn't apply himself, would have admission offices salivating on his heels at his SATs and ACTs.

When Sam had finally gone off to Stanford, he had wanted to knock Dean out. Take him with him, save his life. Dean would have forgiven him when he saw the EMT program for California, giving him another way to help people. But that Halloween when Dean showed up, steadily telling Sam that Dad was on a hunting trip, and was missing, let Sam know the truth.

Dean was dying, and he knew it.

And as Sam watched an unnatural fire originate from Jess, he knew he was dying too.

gen, supernatural, one-shot, rating: pg

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