Title: Primal Eyes Author: Spinny Roses Fandom: Supernatural Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Pet demon theory (See Only by Half.) Spoilers: First season Disclaimer: Don't own Summary: Brothers share. Everything.
Whoa! I hadn't ever considered your demon theory before... hmmmm. Dark, but very, very intriguing. Say more about these boys and your theory, eh? Thanks, DC
Oh, very cool! I love it - the theory is totally out there, but it also makes complete sense! I would love to see more of all of this, especially what John has to say about it. Muchly with the awesome!
Such an interesting theory. It's such a twist to the usual SPN ideas you read about, and I like that. This story was so dark, but that's exactly why I liked it. Good job. :)
I know I can sometimes resemble a rock...but I just dont get it!! Help someone. I feel like I should get it...was john posessed since they were little kids? and its been the demon raising them all along? You know --watching the pilot, I did find it weird that john made it out of the house when he did...there was like a delay there or something...If some kind soul could explain this cool little ficlet to me I would be most grateful.
Comments 9
Say more about these boys and your theory, eh?
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