Jezebel in Hell (Supernatural, Sam/Jess, R) 1/1

May 29, 2006 20:57

Title: Jezebel in Hell
Author: Spinny Roses
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: R
Warnings: Het (Sam/Jess), weirdness
Spoilers: Up to Bloody Mary
Disclaimer: Don't own. Title from "Angry Johnny" by Poe
Summary:Sam dreams and she's there, waiting with hate on her lips.

Jezebel in Hell
By Spinny Roses

Johnny, angry Johnny, this is Jezebel in Hell
Johnny, angry Johnny, this is Jezebel in Hell
I want to kill you
I want to blow you... away.
"Angry Johnny," Poe

The first time, Sam woke up cold. Not all over, strangely enough. Just down his chest, his left cheek.

He didn't know why that time.

Second time was right after the Wendigo. Going to sleep had taken a while, but he had finally managed a restless slumber and woke to a familiar, heart-wrenching perfume.

In between were the nightmares, Jess pinned to the ceiling, eyes begging for Sam to rescue her. The fire, exploding from her body unnaturally. And the final feeling that it was his fault. It was his fault it came for her, that she had been killed the same way his mother had.

Same dreams he had before it had actually happened.

It was right before Toledo that the dreams had definition. Cold fingers, tracing a path up his chest. Insubstantial hand cupping his cheek. And soft words, spoken in a familiar voice but still unknown. Sam woke to a wet pillow and a jeering Dean.

Only after he saw Jess on the sidewalk, looking as real as the day before disappearing within seconds, did the dreams burst forth in vivid detail.

"Sam, why didn't you tell me?"

He couldn't speak. That was the nature of the dream. She would whisper into his ear, and he would open his mouth, unable to utter a word.

"You knew. You knew they'd come true. Why didn't you tell me?"

Icy fingers on bare skin, cold enough to burn. Cold enough that in the morning, there would be burns.

"You didn't love me, did you. Of course you didn't."

Fingers hesitating, burning into him.

"Replacement for the mother figure you never had. You never even noticed, did you? You were so happy to have a girl that you didn't notice."

Sam opened his mouth, straining to speak.

"You didn't notice that all I wanted was your cock."

No, he wanted to say. Jess...

"I was a nice warm body for you, wasn't I?"

Cruel fingers cupping his cheek.

"But then you left. Like you left everyone. Your dad, your brother... and I died. You leave everyone. You kill everyone you come across."


"You weren't even that good of a fuck."

Dean was shaking him, he could feel it. But there was one last thing.

"You should have been the one to die."

sam/jess, het, supernatural, one-shot, rating: r

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