This makes me angry. Really, really angry.
When will people realize that it's okay to be different? That it's okay to be part of a different culture?
Not every Japanese has bombed the United States. Not every German hates Jews. Not every Middle Eastern or Islamic person has it out for Christians or Americans. When will people stop being afraid of someone based on silly things like their religion, ethnicity, gender or sexuality?
What's wrong with learning about another culture? What's wrong with learning the language of a country we're dealing with a lot recently? How is any of this un-American? I'm tired of crazy conservative media that spotlight anyone who has opposing views and calling them "unpatriotic." From the Middle East? You must be unpatriotic. Islamic? You're unpatriotic. Critical of a president during wartime? You're unpatriotic.
Journalists are supposed to be watchdogs. War is an awful thing that should be avoided, and if someone brings us into one unneccessarily, people should know. Those are the sorts of things journalists should be focusing on, not criticizing those who are doing nothing wrong and who are doing everything to educate kids.
I hate you, Rupert Murdoch.
I hate you, media conglomerates.
I hate you, news corporations who are more committed to the bottom line than to serving the public.
You are the unpatriotic, the inhumane, the scum of civilization, and I hope you suffer a much worse fate than you sentenced Debbie Almontaser to.
Jakob Dylan wrote in a song, "A guilty conscience means at least you've got one." I'm pretty sure these people don't.