Sad & sadder

Dec 23, 2011 20:20

This morning I was feeling pretty shitty again, coughing a ton, but I knew my boss wanted me to come to work and try to teach my classes. I took all the medication I could, except for the hydrocodone because I wanted to save what little I have left of that for tonight so I'll be able to sleep. Once I got to work, I was feeling mostly okay and only coughing occasionally. I planned my classes, and then taught my VIP, which was enjoyable. I was drinking tea pretty constantly, and I ate dinner between my VIP and the 2-hour class I was supposed to have after that. Well, about five minutes into my second class, suddenly I felt a really bad tickle in my throat that I knew wasn't going to go away quickly and was turning into a coughing fit. I had to run out of the class and down the hallway to get water from the office, leaving my students just sitting in the class. Colin, thankfully, was in the office and offered to take over my class for me. I was so glad he did, because he was right - I needed to go home.

I'm just stressed now at the prospect of tomorrow's classes, as I have five hours' worth of classes to teach, and there's no telling when a coughing fit might happen, even though I'm taking medications. I don't have any strong cough syrup because I'm allergic to codeine, and the hospital I went to doesn't have any strong cough syrup but codeine. It worries me that after only one class today I had a coughing fit, and I have to get through so much more tomorrow. I'm kind of hoping that after what happened today, my boss might re-think having me work tomorrow, or at least let me have some of the day off, or whatever can be covered. It's just really stressful not knowing when the coughing will start and knowing that once it starts, it won't stop for a while. And on a Saturday, it's less likely that I'll be able to find another teacher just standing around who can jump in and cover my class for me. *sigh*

ETA: Talked with my boss, and he said that the first class I have tomorrow can be covered, and I can try to just teach the afternoon classes. I think this will work, since I seem to feel better in the afternoon than any other time of day. It will give me more time to rest, too. Thing is, the first class I'm going to have to teach tomorrow is one I haven't planned yet... so I'll have to get there a tad early for that one, too, so I can plan it. But I shouldn't need to be there earlier than noon or so.

The sadder news is, my second cousin, Joseph, just died yesterday in a car accident. I guess he was driving and tried to swerve to miss some buzzards in the road, which caused him to hit an 18-wheeler head-on. He was only 22. It's crazy. I don't think I ever got to meet him, but he seems to have been a really great guy, and I feel horrible for his immediate family and anyone else touched by this accident. And what a terrible thing to have happen right before Christmas. I can't even imagine. Rest in peace, Joseph.

sadness, sickness, family, work, death

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