Life in Shanghai

Sep 28, 2011 21:49

Sorry I've not been updating here lately. Things have been a bit crazy getting settled in, and when I wanted to update last, my internet didn't want me to access livejournal. We seem to have finally gotten the internet issues sorted out, so I have some reliability with using it and a VPN to use whatever sites I want.

Being in China is definitely interesting. I am finding that I have to really make a conscious effort to balance out my days between being around 239084329048 people and getting in some down time to myself. It does get really exhausting being out and about, amongst so many other people all the time. There really are a ton of people wherever you go pretty much. It's kind of crazy. And last night, there was a train collision that happened on Line 10, so Line 10 was closed today, which made the metro all the more crowded everywhere and chaotic. And of course, I needed Line 10 to get to Yuyuan Garden (my main destination for sightseeing today), so that made my trip a bit more inconvenient.

That said I have been enjoying some sightseeing. Yesterday I really enjoyed myself. I went to People's Square and wandered around a bit, I popped into a tea place to relax and have some tea, and then I made my way over to the Oriental Pearl Tower and went to the top of it. It was pretty awesome. After that I made the trek over to Skyline Lounge for some swing dancing. It was another good night. I taught with Sam again, and he asked me if I want to teach a workshop for followers here in Shanghai. I'm daunted but excited at the opportunity, and I told him I would be interested. I'll have to try to spend some of my free time planning for that.

I have been getting tons of mosquito bites, and the weather is somewhat sticky so I feel kind of gross at the end of every day, and I can't wait until Rudy sends me some hydrocortisone cream. He's also going to send me some Clif bars and I don't remember what else. I did find Tylenol yesterday, at least.

I'm starting to recognize what more Chinese characters say, as I see them around me all the time, but I don't feel like I'm really learning the language. I need to learn more useful conversational stuff. So far I've been okay though, carrying around my kindle and using it in situations where I absolutely need a translation (opening up Google translate on it.) My kindle has proven to be a very good thing to have with me here in China, so I'm very grateful that Rudy got it for me. :)

Things with Rudy have been really good so far, at least as good as they can be when we're on opposite sides of the planet. He is talking about coming to visit me during Chinese New Year, and we're just waiting to find out exactly what dates I will have off for the holiday. We both miss each other a lot, and internet issues haven't exactly been making it any easier, but I'm glad that so far we're able to talk pretty often and make this work.

I've been posting a ton of photos on facebook. Is there anyone on here who is not friends with me on facebook, who would like to see my photos? If so, I can make sure to post them publicly on there and then share the links here.

I have a very light week this week, and basically a week off for Chinese Independence Day. :) I am not sure yet what I'm going to do with myself! I have a meeting tomorrow at work, and then I am teaching one class and I have progress reports to do... and that's it until next Thursday. I think I will try to do more sightseeing, but go places with a friend or two because I am getting tired of going everywhere by myself. It's an odd feeling, being surrounded by so many people and yet feeling somewhat lonely because I really can't talk to any of them.

ALSO: Please give me your mailing address if you would like a post card! And please don't feel like it's any trouble for me to send you one... I've already sent out like 30 or more, and I have a ton more sitting around ready to mail. I like sending post cards. :)

swing dancing, china, mail, tea, work, relationships, where i live, photos, people, travels, rudy, holidays, internet

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