Books vs. movies

Jun 29, 2011 02:23

Stayed up late tonight to finish Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick - good book, and I'm glad I've had the time again to read for pleasure.

But, of course, now comes the time to watch the movie. I'm not going to watch it right now (it's obviously too late at night for that), but I want to watch it soon... or do I? I have been looking at info online about the movie, and I'm already annoyed at things they changed. It's called Blade Runner, of course, but why did they change the terminology of things, and a couple of the characters' names? It seems unnecessary. Rick Deckard is a bounty hunter, not a "blade runner," and the book takes place in San Francisco, not Los Angeles. Roy Baty's name is spelled with one "t," not two. And somehow J.R. Isidore's name is changed to J.F. Sebastian, as far as I can tell from the online credits.

WHY do people who make movies out of great books change so many things? It's not even necessary to change any of the things I've mentioned. Ugh, I just hope watching this movie won't be too frustrating. I'm glad at least I read the book first so I know what the original story is.

books, reading, confusion, movies, frustration

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