I just applied for
this job today - Computer Lab Instructor at Walden House in the Haight-Ashbury. It looks like an awesome job, and it would look great on my resume, but I am just hoping they won't want me to start work sooner than August 15th if they're even interested in me, since that's the first day I'll be available after my job at TechKnowHow is over.
I've really been wanting to work either for a non-profit or some other organization that somehow helps underprivileged populations. I feel really passionate about helping people, and this looks like a really good way to combine my teaching skills with that passion.
In other job news, I got a phone call from someone at
Spectrum Center Schools (a school for students with special needs) last week about my resume; I had applied for some sort of teacher's aide or teacher-in-training job there (I don't remember which), and they were calling in response to that. I missed the call and they left a voice mail, and I have since called back several times and left two voice mails. I'm really puzzled as to why someone would call me and then not ever pick up when I call back, or respond to voice mails. It's rather frustrating and tells me that perhaps this is not a school at which I should be interested in working.
I do have hopes for a job in the fall, though. If nothing else, I'll fall back on going back to my old job (as a core substitute paraprofessional in Special Ed), or even better, get a job as a permanent Special Ed Paraprofessional at a school in SF. I should easily be able to get either job. I'd rather do something more, something that goes along with my desire to help underprivileged people, but I have to take what I can get for now; otherwise I can't pay rent.
In any case, I'm really glad that my summer job is so awesome. It's a lot of fun so far, and I think it was exactly what I needed this summer, after such a difficult student teaching experience.