Updated To-Do List

Dec 16, 2008 15:35

Done so far today:

• Studied for Linguistics final exam with Katherine and Jamie the hour 45 minues before the final
• Got an A (probably) on my Linguistics exam
• Forgot to go over to my dance teacher's office and turn in my last dance critique paper...
• Got Alex's oil changed
• Studied some for World Lit
• Went grocery shopping
• Put the Snaildartha story on my Zune to listen to on the way down to Paso
• Added a bunch of music to my Zune that wasn't on there before for some reason
• Went swing dancing and had a birthday jam at Club 21

To do still this week:
• Get elsh's presents packaged and mailed
• Do laundry
• Study for World Lit exam
• Get an A (or I'll take a B) on World Lit exam
• Remember to turn in last dance critique paper!
• Pack stuff to go down to Paso
• Wrap friends' gifts who I will see in Paso (this is optional... can be done after I go down there)
• Write an essay in Spanish for my final exam in Spanish, and GTFO of that class
• Drive down to Paso
• Go line dancing with Trish
• Turn 25, suck at bowling and pool at my birthday party, but see friends & have awesome fun
• Celebrate birthday with parents, have cake & dinner at some point probably

bowling, my car, friends, packing, food, spanish, line dancing, parties, travels, pool, presents, to-do list, swing dancing, english nerdiness, birthday, laundry, school, my parents

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