Sep 21, 2008 01:11

I went skydiving today with my friends Andrea and Whitney! :) It was intense and amazing! It was Andrea's 3rd time, and Whitney's first. The scariest part by far was right before we jumped out, seeing people go jump out of the plane ahead of us... wow. I was just like, "holy shit" right beforehand and I screamed a lot right as we jumped. I was not prepared for what it would feel like to freefall at what had to be about 130 miles per hour towards the earth. It didn't really feel like I was flying, more like I was just being shoved full-force into a bunch of air (because really, that's all that was happening). The goggles they put on me were extremely tight (good thing too, since I was wearing contacts) so that wasn't super comfortable, and they actually touched my eyeballs at one moment right after jumping, so my vision was blurred for a second. It was intense beyond anything I've ever experienced... no words really describe it that well.

On that note, I thought you'd like to
see the video and photos I got from it, so here are links:

I couldn't breathe very well during the freefall... so that's why my mouth opens a lot, haha. My ears were being pounded against with air very hard, so they were burning... and when the guy pulled the parachute cord, my boobs got squished by the harness, ouch! But it was so amazingly fun and intense... there's nothing like it! I think I enjoyed the parachuting part the most... it felt more controlled and relaxed. Oh, and it was one minute of freefall and five minutes of parachuting down, but it felt a lot quicker than that. I would definitely do it again. :) You should try it if you get a chance!!

video, skydiving, yay, omg, photos, friends

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