(no subject)

Apr 08, 2008 15:46

Well, I am back from my vacation, and back at school. Vacation went by way too quickly, of course. It was a lot of fun, though, of course. :) Seeing Aaron is always wonderful, and I also got to hang out with jadeejf and mobileoak again, as well as meeting some new friends, jjostm, bork and purveyorofchaos, over some yummy Ethiopian food. :)

I got to go swing dancing at the Century Ballroom in Seattle, which was awesome. I did get a stupid parking ticket that night, though, for NOT BACKING INTO THE SPACE. Yeah. I couldn't think of a stupider reason to give someone a ticket, honestly. Silly Seattle and their rules... they stole $38 from me over that. Not cool, but oh well.

Aaron, Beth, Carl and I also went to see "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by the Pacific Northwest Ballet, which was excellent. Cocktails and dinner afterwards at Benihari was good, too. Talk about filling food!

I have pictures up here: http://csus.facebook.com/album.php?aid=32710&l=670c3&id=507990967

I got to meet some of Aaron's friends, which was nice. We went out to dinner with his friend Scott one night, and we went out with his friends Mike and Diane two different nights, one night with bowling afterwards. :) I did pretty horribly, but at least I did better than Obama... lol.

That's about it for now really. I should wrap things up and go to class soon... blah.

swing dancing, bowling, ballet, aaron, friends, annoyances, food, photos, school, travels, driving

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