(no subject)

Dec 27, 2006 12:42

Surprise, surprise. I couldn't donate, yet again. And yet again, it wasn't even my fault, or my iron level's fault. It was the TCBB people's retardedness.

Last time I went and tried to donate, they turned me down saying that I wasn't eligible yet, because supposedly the time before that had counted as a donation, even though it was only a poke and a teeny bit of blood they took out of me. Yes, retardedness.

Anyway, last time I went, and they told me I wasn't eligible again yet, they told me I'd be eligible again when they came to the Wal-Mart parking lot at the end of this month. That was today.

So I had gone to their website and made an appointment for today, since it was when they'd be at Wal-Mart, like they said. I went at my appointment time, and they told me "You're not eligible to donate until tomorrow". Derrrrrr. The dumb nurse who told me I'd be eligible to donate when they would be at Wal-Mart needs to learn how to read - a 27 is NOT a 28, and they were scheduled to be at Wal-Mart on the 27th, NOT the 28th.

I told them it'd be a lot more convenient if I could find out on their website when I'm eligible, since it's a hassle for me to make 23984723987 appointments and each time be turned down.

I hate to get irritated at these people, since they are obviously trying to help save lives, but they're certainly not doing their job very well, when an eager donor is not only having the wrong bag heat-sealed, but then is misinformed as to when she is eligible. It seems like they should be especially trying to do things right when people are going out of their way to try to save a life... *sigh* Another thing is, this was the "Gift of Life" drive, during which they give out gift certificates to McLintock's - I got one last year and Phillip and I went out on a date. I was looking forward to doing that again this year, but no, even though I make so much effort, I get no gift. Blah, I feel like I sound selfish... I'm sorry.

That's all, I'm done ranting.

idiots, blood donation, frustration

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