(no subject)

Sep 14, 2006 19:03

After doing 32 elevés in a row on pointe, and doing tons of piqués... I think my toes and calves are dead. :P

But I'm glad I actually got to go to ballet today. I got very close to thinking it wouldn't happen, cos my mom had to have a surprise ultrasound today on her port (her surgeon thinks it has a clot around it), so I thought I'd be stuck there too long to go to ballet - luckily, my dad got off work early enough that I could leave in my mom's car to go to ballet, and my dad just came and got my mom. Yay!

And apparently Mariel and Joanna only go to the grad every once in awhile. I must be the only one who likes to do things I like to do on a regular basis. :P Like, with rock climbing, I can rarely find anyone who's interested in going more than one week in a row. Why is that? If I enjoy doing something, I try to do it as often as I can... doesn't that make sense?

Anyway, I don't mean to whine or complain about my friends. :P It just seems weird that they'd be like, "oh, I only wanna do that every once in awhile, even though I really enjoy it". Oh well, I guess each person is different in how they want to spend their time.

So tonight I will hopefully eat some iron-filled food for dinner (I didn't even get any lunch today - eek!) and relax this evening. I'm hoping to hear from Phillip, but I'm not sure what's going on with him cos he said he might go out into his new platoon today, and if that happens then I might not hear from him. :/ Anywho, hopefully soon he'll find out his schedule for when he actually starts his job guarding nuclear missiles, and I'll know what to expect from him as far as phone calls and whatnot.

Oh, and he found out yesterday that the Marine Corps Ball is on Nov. 10th. And he won't be able to get any leave time until after Christmas. He has almost a month saved up... so we'll see. But he was almost acting like he'd rather wait until after the ball to see me, and save money for when he gets leave time, cos he's still in debt from borrowing money from his cousin when I visited him in Virginia. So... I was like, umm, I have really been looking forward to this ball, and I already bought shoes and a dress... haha. So we're gonna figure out a way to make it happen. Most likely, he'll at least get the weekend off, so we should get three days together. And Aaron has already offered to let us stay with him... at first I was telling him we probably wouldn't be staying with him, but now that Phillip is worrying about money and all, I think it probably would be good to take Aaron up on his offer and stay at his place instead of a hotel. I'm not sure how close to Bangor Aaron lives, but hopefully it won't be too difficult to get from one place to another. We'll see.

That's all for this post... sorry I keep posting somewhat long entries lately. Anyway, I hope everyone's doing well and enjoying their week!

my mom's health, ballet, time off, friends, usmc ball, food, phillip, frustration

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