(no subject)

Sep 01, 2006 02:45

Whew, what a wirlwhind of an evening! I haven't had this much social activity in quite awhile, and it was tons of fun. ^_^ First I went to my friend Rebekah Arnett's show at Cisco's in SLO, which was amazing. She is so talented... I wish I could write songs and play the guitar. She was really sweet and gave me a hug, and also gave me her phone number so hopefully we can keep in touch more than we have these past few years. She used to sing with me at youth group; that's how I know her.

Anyway, here are some pictures from the show:

These first 2 are blurry cos I couldn't get the proper lighting and shutter speed at first. Sorry 'bout that. :/

I really liked this venue. I could sit down, for one thing, and it had a nice intimate atmosphere. Plus it was by Cisco's, where I got the awesomest potato ever. :D

I started using my flash in these, so they turned out a bit clearer.

That's all! Make sure to go listen to her music! ^_^

Rebekah's show got over at 8, and Mariel, Julia and Joanna weren't showing up at the Grad until 9 (I had planned to meet them there and do country line dancing with them) so I went with my parents to Gottschalk's and Petco to kill time... and at Gottschalk's I went in to use their restroom, but ended up seeing a table with hats on clearance for $5 each, so I HAD to try a bunch on and buy these ones:

Side view: I picked this hat out straight away. I love how soft it is and the style of it - it'll be great for the winter! ^_^ It was originally $38!

Front view. Yay!

This was the second hat I picked out. I was hesitant cos it's purple, and I don't wear a lot of purple, but I really liked it on me. And hey, maybe I should start wearing purple! I like purple. :D

Since the very top of the hat got cut off in the first picture, I took a second one for good measure. I mean, this hat is cute, why not take extra pics of it? :D Oh, I forgot to take a picture of it with the other side out, though... it's reversible. The other side is white with purple, pink and blue little polka dots. Very cute, but the solid side will probably go better with more clothing of mine. This hat was originally $14.

This was the last hat I picked out. I couldn't bear to leave the store with out it... it's so adorable! :D I love this style of hats, and the fuchsia velvet band around it is so pretty!

Side view! Here you can see the cute bow on it. ^_^ I kept this hat on for the rest of the night cos it happened to go pretty well with my outfit. ^_^ It was originally $30. Woohoo!

That's all for hat pictures!

So, like I said, I had planned to go to the Grad tonight and go line dancing with my friends. So my parents dropped me off there at 8:50, I talked to Phillip some, went to the bathroom, and waited around while the music started playing and people began to do the 2-step (which looked REALLY boring). Joanna finally showed up around 9:20, and Mariel and Julia (Julia goes to church with us) showed up like 10-15 minutes later. I was pretty shy about the whole thing at first, cos the only line dance I knew was the electric slide. But I picked quite a few things up pretty quickly, and ended up having lots of fun! ^_^ I saw my friends Kristy and Chris there, which was cool, and I even did a swing dance with Chris. It was nice to do some partner dancing again. One random guy asked me to dance on a 2-step song, so I did, but I told him I had no idea what I was doing, haha. So he showed me what to do and I just followed, and it was pretty cool. ^_^ I also really enjoyed the barn dance, where we all would rotate around to different guys every 15 seconds or so. It's funny cos I never listen to country music and I'm not at all someone who you'd think of as a "cowgirl" or anything, but I REALLY enjoyed line dancing and country dancing tonight. :D I think it's mostly the dancer in me. And line dances are so appealing cos they're so easy to catch onto and they're such a fun social thing to do. I got really good at a couple of them, and others I was pretty rough on... and some of them I just sat out cos they looked way too confusing. But overall I had a really great time. ^_^ I'm hoping to go again with Mariel sometime soon.

So, that's why I got home so late. I got home at 2. We left at 1, which was when it ended, and it took time for Mariel to take Julia home first before taking me home. It normally takes about 40 minutes to get home from San Luis Obispo, so it wasn't too much longer. But I had told my parents I'd be home around midnight... my mom wasn't too happy that I was home so late and hadn't called her... but I left my purse in Mariel's car the whole time so it wouldn't get stolen... and I wanted to leave earlier. At around midnight I was saying to Mariel that we should leave, but she and Julia wanted to stay. :/ I was tired and knew my mom would worry about me, but I did end up enjoying the extra time we spent there.

That's all for now, I think. It's too late and I've written too much as it is. I've got work in the morning, then hopefully I'll be going rock climbing! I hope I can find people to go with... we'll see. Then I have a 3-day weekend! YAY!

Okay, goodnight!

shopping, photos, line dancing, music, rock climbing, friends

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