(no subject)

Apr 29, 2006 01:04

I just saw Imogen Heap on Jay Leno... yay! I love her. I just got paid today, so I splurged and bought Details by Frou Frou and I also pre-ordered her new single, Say Goodbye and Go, which has a new song on it and a different version of "Say Goodbye and Go" on it. Yay!

I went rock climbing tonight with find_the_joy, Cameron, and Elizabeth. Tonight was my first time meeting Elizabeth, and she seems really nice. It was cool to go rock climbing again, and I was glad the people who went could go. ^_^ It had been awhile since I'd gone rock climbing and since I'd hung out with Kristen, so it was good to do both. We ate at Panda Express beforehand, which was super yummy, of course. ^_^

I talked with Phillip a bit tonight, as he was waiting for his aunt to pick him up, and then after his aunt picked him up I also talked with him for awhile. We're thinking of going to the Paso Robles Hot Springs tomorrow to see what that place is like... it's supposed to be a really nice day out tomorrow (hey, check out our awesome forecast for this coming week!), so a place like a hot springs should be nice... not to mention that it should have a nice atmosphere anyway. ^_^ I just wish we had more time than we do... we pretty much just have tomorrow to spend together and then he has to leave Sunday morning. -_- But, I will get to see him again when he comes home for his sister's wedding, which is in a few weeks, so it's not as bad as it could be. And then hopefully I'll be visiting both my sister and him in July. I need to talk to his brother about plane tickets... since he's a pilot, he should be able to get me some really cheap tickets, but we'll see.

That's all for now! Goodnight!

shopping, tv, weddings, rock climbing, friends, food, music, phillip, weather, gregg

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