Hello Polys!
Don't forget: the monthly Poly Potluck and Party ("More") is coming up next Sunday 12/21, @ 5:30 and 8pm, respectively, at the CSPC.
(Yes, this also falls on Solstice/ Global Orgasm Day/ 1st night of Hanukkah. But we can celebrate them all together. Except for Global Orgasm Day, which is early that morning.)
This month will feature an evening of dance music, with ice breaker games hosted by Yours Truly. Those of you who were there for the smaller sampler last month, just wait-- there are more! Please do bring all your poly and poly-curious friends and cross post to other lists; it is going to be a blast! Here is the event page on the cspc calendar... Please note, the event is now ending at 11pm, not midnight, for those polys who turn into pumpkins:
http://www.sexpositiveculture.org/events/zevent.2008-09-20.6839115341 We are also considering adding a white elephant gift exchange ($10 limit) as long as there are at least 15 people interested, so please indicate your (slash-your-partners) interest ASAP if that's something you'd like to see at the beginning of the party!
And finally, we are need some volunteers in order to keep both the events running smoothly. We need some who are Center members, but not all-- so if you are able to help, please email me off-list. And, if there are any icebreaker games that you know and would really like to see played, feel free to ping me off-list with your requests-- I'm still tweaking some of the final logistics of where and how I'm leading what, and materials needed, so it's not too late to get your favorites in. :)
Of course, if you have questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to email me the.mai.li@gmail.com or Our EC... spiral@sexpositiveculture.org