Jul 02, 2006 03:05
So luckily, the next day indeed proved a hell of a lot better. I really don't feel like going into the miserable afternoon that had been had, but the basic premise was that I had an early appointment that proved a waste of my time, an audition that was pushed back more than an hour (and then went terribly), plans were cancelled for Superman Returns and Juco and I got into a rather large fight (after I waited quite some time to meet up with him). Needless to say, I felt terrible.
Fast forward to the next day... with some sleeping in, as well as nicer weather, I was ready to face the challenges. I had written a lengthy e-mail to Juco explaining why I was hurt, and he wrote back explaining why he was hurt, and then we met up and he stayed over. Lots of fun was had at my house and hopefully this will make our relationship even better since we've both voiced our thoughts.
Not much has really happened in my life. Juco's leaving in less than two weeks, and I'll miss him terribly. Carolynn's been working so much I never get to see her, and suddenly several people want to make plans with me, while my parents want me to pull more weight around the house. Also, I'm supposed to learn how to drive, help with rennovations, clean the extensively messy house I have, shop for birthday gifts, prepare everything I need for university, work part time, and do other odds and ends here and there. For someone who tries to do as little as possible with their days, I'm feeling very stressed out.
Alex and I are supposed to do a swappy thing soon, with several items, at least some of which I'm sure I've forgotten because the list was massive. Whatever, I talk to him maybe once a month as it is (excluding via Livejournal).
I have a new cell phone number, by the way, so e-mail me or message me to find out what it is.