Love is in the air!

Apr 19, 2006 01:55

Well, no, not really, but a small amount of luck has gifted me tentative plans for a possible meeting at an as-of-yet indeterminable time with a guy who I seem to be interested in, at least for the moment.

What's this? It doesn't sound very promising? Actually, as a matter of fact, it's one of the most promising things to have happened, guy-wise, in some time! I'm just trying to keep things uncomplicated for the moment, in case things don't end up working out. I'm still waiting for him to say "You're too weird for me". He hasn't yet, and claims that very little bugs him because he's so easy-going, but is that the only reason I've been able to win him over so far (if you can call it "winning")? Only time will tell, I suppose! Still, wish me luck, because Julian (the guy, duh) is quite the handsome devil, and seemingly compatible! The only problem is he likes to experiment with drugs, and for any who know me this is like a taboo offense! But after much philosophical discussion (which may be posted at a later date, since it was quite heated and interesting) I've decided that if I'm really into him, which at this point is quite likely, I may want to turn a blind eye towards it. Open-mindedness, or corrupted morals? That's the question. Still, he's a sweet guy, definitely dateable at this juncture.

So apparently Alex has too many friends to keep up to date with whether people respond to his comments or not (unless he deemed it unworthy of reply, what treason!), but the question I propose will go towards all of you, haha. Any good animes to recommend? Preferably not mainstream, since I want to delve a little more into the lesser-knowns, but I wouldn't say no to something that's indisputably good just because a couple of people saw it before me, haha.

On a similar tangent, I spent way too much money lately, and am still doing so! My VISA bill is currently at $535 and that excludes the hundred I spent today or the 35 I spent on Ebay a few days ago, and I'm still wanting to purchase certain items =S For someone who's never let their VISA bill go over 200, this is a bit intense. Of course I have the money to pay it off, but I'll be quite near the bottom of the barrel by the end of it all... and there are some fees I have to take care of too.

I bought more Werewolf: The Apocalypse books, and the World Of Darkness corebook for the new system. Pretty silly, considering I have NO friends who are available/desiring to play RPGs (save JowJow, but I'm still intimidated by her already-established circle of friends, and she herself doesn't play Werewolf). I guess I'm just a foolish spender. Still, I wish I had a larger circle of friends, people I could actually do various activities with, especially the more geeky ones like RPGs and TCGs. I really only have Carolynn (who never seems to want to play either despite her investment in both) and her brothers (one of which is never around, and 3 people just seems awkward). Blah, I want geeks!

I wish I could be Judas in JCS again, that was one of the most fulfilling roles I've ever had the chance to play. Too bad I SUCKED at it, and would NEVER be recast in a different production of it... not to mention his songs had to be transposed down just to fit my voice, which is in no way a tenor voice. But still, I had a lot of fun playing Judas, and I wish I could do it again, hopefully I'd be a bit better this time around. Plus, my costume for the final scene was just TOO hot... maybe I'll show a picture sometime, haha. I should watch JCS again, the songs have been in my head for a couple of days now.

Concordia call tomorrow, to set a date for the interview. And yikes, I haven't even made my portfolio yet.
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