Mar 24, 2006 12:42
Haha, yesterday was sooo much fun! First off, the weather was sextacular, which made for a good mood and good atmosphere. Second, I got to see Sarah, a.k.a. JowJow, who I haven't seen for more than five minutes since she graduated, which was like 3 years ago @_@ It was very fun, we went arcading (DDR! W00t I sucked!) and then to eat (mmm, Chee Chan), and then we just talked for a long time, like two hours practically. Her friend Cowboy (swear to God, that's what everyone, including himself, calls him) came with us, and we bumped into another of her friends, Christina, on the way, so she tagged along. Both of them were very friendly, both super-fun to talk to. I like talking to geeks ^^ We also went into Sugar Heaven, which was fun just because of the campy 80s music and the taste-testing of practically every candy in the store, heheh.
Apparently I was a good luck charm too, because they bumped into EVERYONE they knew... seriously, they must have seen about 8 people in total that they knew... I got into a debate with someone about whether or not I was eventually gonna have a wife, I assured him that I had absolutely no intention of ever having one and he said "That's what everyone says, and then they get married"... I don't think he caught on to my hints, so I just let him keep assuring me I'd have a wife, we all got a good laugh out of it afterwards, heheh. Anyways, all in all we had some fun.
Today's a bit gloomier, but my sister Aura came over specifically to hang out with me, something we haven't done in months! I foresee some Super Mario Bros. 3 action in the next few hours ;P I have to work at 5 though, yuckola... I hope the mild weather makes for less customers, but it's not sunny outside, so outcome looks doubtful :(
Got a nice mix-and-match CD courtesy of Napster and 20$, and it's got some very purdy songs! All in all, pretty good march break!