Birfday shoutout!!!

Sep 15, 2004 10:05

In all my hurricane prep (thank you to everyone who posted!!!) I nearly forgot to give props to my lil brudder Jim, for today is his 23rd birfday. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY jimbo1kenobee!!!!!!! I don't think I can quite handle that you're 23. I mean I'm ok with YOU being 23, but you being 23 makes me ::gulp:: almost 27. And that's not coo'.

Well enough of the shouting out, I gots a hurricane to get ready for. And really, it's a good thing that I have quite the collection of candles. And that 82% of my candles are from Yankee Candle, so my house smells yummy. Which is good because according to Brookie, if the power and water disappear, we'll be some stinky folks.

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