Jan 01, 2010 03:53
Yes it is 3:35 in the morning and my computer battery is at 15% but I write some form of one of these nearly every year, if not posted on here, then floating in a word document on my computer, and so to round out a year without reflecting on the past 365 days makes the year not seem complete to me.
I never really realized until tonight how much I like New Year's Eve. I always stay up until midnight and watch the ball drop on the Dick Clark Special. Tonight for New Year's, two of my friends from high school, Kate and Maegen came over to visit, as did my roommate Jill's boyfriend, Jared. The five of us played Rock Band and drank some alcohol (though not nearly as much as they had intended). I had a Green Apple Smirnoff (my favorite alcoholic drink) and a Midori Sour (my second favorite alcoholic drink!). I made sure there was like two hours in between them though so I barely even felt funny.
Anyway, we took a ten minute break from Rock Band to watch the ball drop and I realized that this is the first time I've been on Central Time on New Year's Eve and so the countdown in Times Square was delayed by an hour which was a bit of a letdown. They still reshowed it but I knew that it had actually happened an hour ago.
Anyway, it's 3:40 now so I'm kind of rambling. I like New Year's Eve. I like wiping the slate clean. You count down until midnight and then everything changes- it is now 2010 and the sky's the limit. 2009 is now the past and it is another year, another opportunity to go out and try new things and accomplish new goals. This year I stumbled across the 101 in 1001 mission which was on the LJ home page. I joined it (it's therefore on my info page if you're interested in seeing my list) because I simply cannot narrow down everything I want for the coming year into one or even two or three things.
2009 was, in many ways, a year of firsts for me. I graduated from college with my first college degree (I plan on getting one or two more!). I got my first real part time job, and then my first real full time job which I still have. I moved out on my own and have my first apartment, with Jill. I pay bills for the first time. In September, I went on my first date. And in October, I met one of my closest friends in person for the first time.
And now my computer battery is at 12% and yes I could go get my cord but I should sleep at some point (one of my 101 goals: sleep at least 8 hours a night).
2009 was a pretty decent year, but I feel like I could do much better in 2010. Most of my goals involve being more proactive. My next to last semester of college (so, Fall 2008) was so stressful for me and my roommates at the time that we all ended up in therapy by October, literally. And during my three counseling sessions, the very insightful counselor made me realize that most of my life I've just sort of floated along. School always came fairly easily to me and I usually managed to make a handful of close friends and then I was content and I just sort of did what I had to do and that was good enough. But this year, this year I do not want to settle for good enough. I won't let life pass me by again.
10%. Good night, Internet. Here's to 2010 and chasing dreams.