
Dec 10, 2011 13:58



Of the trolls, I'm going to say that Feferi is my favorite. I know she doesn't do much, but she's just so adorable and I just love her to pieces (or should I say, Pisces? lol glub glub :D). I didn't think I liked Vriska at all, but then after that scrapbook sequence with her and John, I like her a lot more. And Terezi, of course, is the bomb. KAYLEE MARTIN YOU ARE A BADASS TROLL. Kanaya is also very cool and I like her a lot. I'm a little less taken with the guys, aside from Karkat, obviously, who is neat. I wish Eridan hadn't been such a jerkwad, and I can hardly ever read what the hell Sollux is saying. Gamzee scares the FUCK out of me. Equius is eh. Who am I missing? I don't really have an opinion Aradia, and Tavros is just kind of sad, and Nepeta is cute.

And as for the kids, I mean, I think it would be hard to dislike any of them. Rose is really badass, and so is Dave, and Jade is really adorable and John of course is such a sweetheart. I couldn't pick a favorite.

I think once we get to see more of the trolls post-murder rampage I'll feel this a lot more, but I haven't been getting the SADSTUCK that other people have. Maybe it's because I assume (with the kids at least) that they're just going to come back when they get killed, and they do. But the Vriska/John thing is definitely DDD:

So far, the only part I'm not understanding is what the hell happened when Aradia was jumping all over the place and Doc Scratch's scrapbook was there and ummm I cannot tell you any more than that. Well, and also getting the Midnight Crew characters straight and I'm still not 100% sure how the two universes overlap? I sort of assume there are just parallel versions of them, but anyway.

I love the exiles, especially the Mail Lady. She's adorable. :3

I'm not going to lie, though. This thing takes FOREVER to get into. I thought Marisa was joking when she said it didn't get good until like 2000 pages in. Geez, Homestuck. BUT IN THE END, MOSTLY WORTH IT. I mean, I'm not going to lie, I'm not as obsessed as some people are with it, but I can say that I am very, very interested and I really enjoy it.

But yeah, so I've also been going through Doctor Who whenever I can~ I wasn't a fan of the Season 3 finale; it just was a bit much, even though I liked The Master. But now Donna is here and I LOVE Donna. But then ghost!Rose(?) showed up in the Adipose episode and I was like like ASDFGHJKL;ASDFGHJKL;ASDFGHJKL;

I also watched the first episode with Matt Smith, because I wanted to see his fishsticks and custard scene. "EVIL BEANS! Bad, bad beans." I like Matt Smith, a lot, but he is still not David Tennant. DTen will always be my smoldering woobie Doctor and nothing will change that. Even though I was a little in love with MSmith in the Doctor Who Proms program.

Also, this fandom is amazing. :)

Farewell, Ten, forever,
On toward better things, forever.
Farewell, Ten,
On toward better things,
Oh, blessed he, who brought us peace.
Farewell, Ten,
Lay down your heavy burden,
We will remember you forevermore,
Farewell, Ten,
We give you thanks, forever.
You are never alone. Never.
Loyal as long as we breathe.

As for the Alec situation, since I suppose we should clear that up... Simply put, it was this and this on his part and this on mine. But because we are both so cool, it's fine between us and I'm back giving him advice if he needs it and checking in every once and a while and just generally being there for him which is fine. We hang out a lot, and we meet up for breakfast sometimes. I had an Advice Session with him last night, and then we watched Dr. Horrible together because he had never seen it. So that was nice. :) But mainly he's having problems with this other group of people basically because he's just too nice, and he's so broken up about everything that he actually started tearing up a little and so he got Super Atomic Grace Hugs from over here. He is this through and through, which makes my take on the situation even more understandable. We all know how I am with woobies, ja? But yes, it's nice spending time with him, even if he's not interested like that.

I mentioned to Matt that Alec and I had watched Dr. Horrible and he just looks at me and goes, "God fuck, why don't you just date already!? Sarah and I have been rooting for you since like the third week of school! It's like, perfect, and it needs to happen." Well thank you Matt and Sarah, I'm glad somebody ships that. :)

Oh and he still smells fucking amazing.

doctor who, homestuck, college

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