...in which I had trouble focusing on the plot for a fair portion of the episode, as Mulder spends much of it all leather-jacket-wearing and stubbly and unduly smokin'.
At first I balked over the Christianity of the premise, and then again over the inclusion of Emily. And then one more time over the use of "nephilim" as a singular. NO. Cherub, cherubim, seraph, seraphim, nephil, nephilim.
Overall the biggest plot sticking point for me is the adoption. They let priests adopt... anyone? Men who have sworn a vow of chastity? Really? When we're in 2013 now and it's STILL harder to adopt if you're anyone but a legally-married heterosexual couple?
...but once they got into the mythology of it all--you know, in the last like ten minutes--I was kind of into that aspect. I was amused that this was the "I'm kind of tailing a suspect," episode, and Mulder was uncharacteristically sensitive toward Scully when trying to convince her that she needed to step back. (Also terribly hot.) We'll assume that her judgment is still clouded when she believes Danny Elfman's ugly brother when he says that Mulder's been trying to reach her and he'll drive her to the meetup location. And was that the keychain Mulder gave her?
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