Time to riot in College Station

Oct 23, 2008 21:29

What a bunch of BS!!


I think the administration has let the students down and only care about their own asses. For them to even consider this option is a slap in the face to every student, faculty member, and former student that uses that building. Where are they going to put the bookstore? the Post office? The student Programs office? All the meeting space that they won't have for three years?

So what if it cost more and takes more time to do it in phases. Can you imagine if TxDOT decided to close a road for 3 years to do it all at once instead of doing it in stages? Yeah it would be cheaper to do it that way, but the public would NEVER let us do that and the students shouldn't allow this to happen on their "Interstate" of the campus.

I for one would ask every student that will be affected to march on the president's door and demand that they change it. So they don't get all their bells and whistles, at least it will still be usable.
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