May 01, 2003 02:01
im drubk. itsnt that fabulsou. im with ginger and journey right now and theytre talking about ehir saex lives. ew. gross right. i dont want to know. but its funny and they are funny and its a good wednesday night. i was at the bars forever and THANK GOD the bartender didnt remember me from last friday b/c that would have been a disaster. i am super embarrase dthat i tried to hit on him. whatever. wen t to travis concert and he ruled. of course. icant wait till he comes out with a cd and i will have known him. need sleep now. toom uch of a night. found a cool roommate and am excited. way less stressed about boston. journey is drunk. drank a whole bottle of tequila. me? who knows. drank lots of lots of stuff. need to be in jerseyliek now. see everyone soon. night!