Random Prattle & Citizenship Freak Out

Jul 20, 2007 16:22

im bored. work sarks.

here is some random and very exciting news about me.

i'm getting my hair cut at 5.30 pm. so excitement. although i have the usual tip anxiety that comes with scheduled hair appointments. it already caused me to not book an eyebrow wax which i am badly in need of. sometimes it sucks to be foreign. i don't know how much i am supposed to tip and when i am supposed to do it, the whole tipping protocol thing fills me with dread. it is also the reason why i do not get manicures.

i am applying for citizenship next week purely because i discovered that the fee is increasing on 7/30 from $330 + $75 for biometrics (fancy name for fingerprinting) to $675. EGADS! considering i only just got my permanent greencard i wasn't going to bother applying for citizenship for a while but i refuse to pay $675 if i can help it, which means that i could be a true and proper new zealand-american in a few short months!

the form is more than a little scary though.

i have to check boxes to affirm whether i have participated in prostitution or procured anyone for prostitution, illegal gambling, polygamy, smuggled illegal substances or been a habitual drunkard.

i also have to declare if i have ever been a member or associated with the communist party, any other totalitarian party or terrorist organization.

on top of this i have to list any organizations, associations, funds, foundations, parties, clubs, societies or similar groups in the United States or in any other place that I am a member of or associate with. should i declare my association with bsg fandom? or would i be excluded for freakish obsession and fangirlism?

I am also more than a bit freaked out by the oath of allegience.

I have to swear to "bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law", which is kind of alarming considering there is a war on and all. eek!
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