voice // dream post

Jan 28, 2009 21:51

Not again. That's the only thought that Suzaku has, staring up at a huge, white and gold machine. It's hooked up to cables here and there, and there's a soft, steady hum in the background, low and familiar.

Sighing just a little, Suzaku rubs the back of his neck, zips up his flight suit and stretches just a little bit, heading over to a console where Lloyd is sitting, noting there's a large bowl sitting next to him. "...Miss Cecile said for you not to eat by the computers again," Suzaku sighs, shaking his head a little bit, only to blink as Lloyd hops up and drags him over.

"This is training," he says, cheerful and smiling, and Suzaku has barely a moment to think before Lloyd's shoving a spoon full of pudding into his mouth and holding it 'till he swallows, and then repeating the process, ignoring how Suzaku tries to object or fight a little, just cheerfully spoons more in to his mouth with each unsuccessful attempt.

The bowl is finally finished, and Suzaku looks utterly miserable, just sitting there a moment. "I can't eat anymore," he says, and Lloyd just nods, waving him away to the Lancelot. Quietly, he heads there, stomach aching, and heads up into the Knightmare, ready to hop in until he notices that the Knightmare is full of pudding, too, covering the entire inside. "...Lloy-!"

[the dream stops, Suzaku awoken by his own voice protesting]

A-ah-- not agai-

[a long pause, and the audio crackles a moment, like he's moving around]

...What on-- Hello?

[more moving around, and then he picks up the Dreamberry, peering at it, even if everyone can't see. Eventually, he holds it up, figuring out it's on, and speaks into it cautiously]

A phone? This....ah. This is Major Suzaku Kururgi, requesting any information about. ...About anything. Location, especially.

!dream, !voice, you have strange dreams too, don't deny it

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