May 11, 2005 20:48
hye guys!! havent updated in a while.... so i dont know if i told you but i dont live with my mom anymore... soooo i dont have dsl which mean i cant be on the computer 24-7 like i used to be! it sucks but im dealing. so a lot of stuff has happened lately... dont feel like saying everything so i will just start by tlling you what went on today.
so today was pretty good i guess. me and jon are getting closer and closer everyday! eeeee!!!!! for those of you who dont know, jon, this really hot kid at our school... well we wont talk about him right now but i will sum it up for you. i like him... i hope he like me...i think he likes me... he single... im not... and when i skip 7th period, me and him just sit in the guard room talking and stuff. he is really cool... only bad thing about him is he smokes pot... i seem to be attracted to all the druggies yet... well im trying to stop... well i have stopped! yay for me!!!! we can keep that on the DL though! okay guys!?! so ummm yeah.... american idol... i will return to update...