Kicking and screaming, I finally gave in and got a smart phone today. I won't be able to text while driving anymore so I guess that's good. I like playing internet radio on it. Have you heard the Luxuria music station? You should give it a listen. It's very retro chic. I could use it to read a book whilst waiting in line but I already listen to podcasts on my iPod when running errands. I couldn't find a game I wanted to play but I found a chess puzzles app so maybe that will help me not suck. The GPS will probably come in handy but I think a purpose-built car unit would have been better. If I need to do something computery, I'd rather use my laptop. I'm just not a fan of smartphones and tablets. Apps are too dumbed down. I got this because my old phone doesn't work on Virgin Mobile. Virgin is $35/month. I am a cheap ass bastard now.
The Ozark Trilogy by Suzette Haden Elgin.
It's a countrified, futuristic fantasy. Sounds strange, no? I heard good things about it and the narrator's voice is strong and interesting. I'll be glad to follow her along on her quest.
Horse and Rider magazine. I got a subscription for research. I wish I could take riding lessons.
Not a lot. I have a bunch of free time now because the Philippines Aunt took my mom back home for a 3 month holiday. I still have no job so I can't exactly run wild or anything. My Aunt thinks my mom should move there permanently. It was what she'd been planning before the stroke. I'm worried about the care she'd get there.
I'm hoping to get a callback soon from JC Penney about the interview I had for seasonal work. I'd forgotten that the Apple Store exec went to JC Penney. They're going to have roaming cashiers with iPod Touches to ring people up and there's a new business philosophy. It would be nice to work there and get discounts on yellow Fiesta Dinnerware.
Long johns, a cap, and still using my buddy's down jacket because I am FREEZING in this huge drafty house. I am too cheap to run the furnace for just me so I hide in my room with the space heater which I still don't run a lot because it's wasteful. Sometimes I go to the library for their free heat.
In the long term, I wanted to move to New Mexico but my smarter-than-me-phone tells me temps there are below freezing at night. Zomg, where can I live? I do not know anymore. This is going to be a long winter.